Pina Colada Wine?

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Junior Member
Jul 23, 2013
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I'm wondering... if there's any reason why one couldn't combine coconut water, shredded coconut and pineapple juice and try for a semi-dry wine? Or is this way too "out there" to even consider?
I think you could...Not sure if coconut water will flavor...Maybe coconut milk, which is made from grated coconut meat.
I have a 6 gallon batch of pineapple going, I may try to flavor about 1/2 with some type of coconut, just to try...
I've been trying to figure this out since I got into winemaking
So far, nilch.

Coconut meat contains high amounts of oils; those oils end up floating to the top of the wine you make and can cause the batch to spoil.. Doesnt matter if its fresh, dried, shredded.. It all contains oils..

Coconut water, I've never actually tasted it, but from what I've gathered is it's a little different profile of coconut, and is a delicate flavor that could be lost in fermentation.. And its expensive, to buy by itself..

I'm not saying dont try it, I'm just saying my hopes arent high.. But if you figure it out, let us know 'cause it's stumped more than one of us already
If you happen to have access to water kefir grains and ferment green coconut water you get what I refer to as coconut water champagne, delicious! For traditional wine it is a good 'water' to use with pineapple and makes for a great yeast nutrient. Made an interesting spiced white wine by adding a variety of common chai spices during the entire process, quite the holiday hit.
so it is kefir grains combined with coconut water to make this. i like the part about a great yeast nutrient, thanks.
I would approach this as pineapple wine with coconut extract in the secondary.
I've been working on the coconut extract for a lemongrass-coconut wine, and I might be on to here.
i have a 6 gallon batch of pineapple made from juice..think i will split it and maybe try stressbabys method of extracting the coconut to add and see what it taste like..
maybe make like a quart of the extract...
thanks stressbaby.
I second the Cornucopia Coconut Frascati (with a touch of pineapple added after) because its simple and cheap. However, there are recipes floating around.



and to a discussion on a site discussing the last recipe:

3) and there is an orange-pineapple-Coconut wine recipe on Jack Kellers site. Its called Vino Orpico and is midway down this page.
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so it is kefir grains combined with coconut water to make this. i like the part about a great yeast nutrient, thanks.

Yes, coconut water fermented for 48 hours with water kefir grains...good stuff. Just did a secondary ferment by adding a puree of fresh pineapple and ginger, fermented for another 24hrs and then strained and bottled in grolsch bottles, to the refrig they went. Good, good stuff.
The coconut, pineapple, and ginger sounds really, really good and my wife has recently been looking into kefir grains. Do you have a more detailed recipe as in the quantity of ingredients and some place to read about the technique. Is there any preservation techniques or is this an immediate drinker? Any thought to adding some lemongrass, maybe in place of the pineapple? Tom Ka Gai is one of my favorite.