Petit Sirah from Lanza Thread

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Rennaisance Man
Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
South Cental Pennsylvania
I know there are a few of us making A PS wine this season. As is my usual, I'm going to start a stream of consciousness from beginning to end.

We (ceeaton and I) brought three lugs home, freshly crushed and destemmed from Harford Vinyards. The grapes were fresh, bright and sweet.

Dosed with Lallzyme when we got situated in the basement. About 12 hours later, I kicked off fermentation using D254 and Fermaid to rehydrate. Shortly after, I dropped some Tannin and called it a night. Then this morning, I added some nutrient and gave it a good mashing. This is about to start active fermentation.

The temp of the wine is about 70*. And the pH/TA are within tolerances. We start with an SG of 1.106 +\- which is a little over 25 Brix. It's a pleasant 72* in the basement this morning.

So, follow along. Add your thoughts and enjoy the ride.
Did you make any adjustment to the acid/PH? At 3.81 the ML will move quickly once the sugar fermentation finishes.
Just did my second round of measurements. Brix at 25.2 (1.106SG) and pH at 3.82. Added a touch of tartaric (targeting 3.7). Added Opti-Red and got the starter going. I'll give it about 20 minutes, then pitch.
We had a 70% PS/ 30% OVZ, that we crushed last Saturday. PH was tad high 3.89-3.92 added a wee bit of tartaric acid to bring down some did not want to overshoot so kept it to minimum application. We pressed Thursday night and am very pleased with the color and flavor one week in. Racking here shortly and introducing ML.
Can I adjust my pH later if I want? I didn't last night. Not sure if I want to.

I pitched yeast before bed last night when the must temp was in the mid 60's. Temps are at 71* and rising. I wonder how quick this will start to actively ferment. I'm guessing it's just starting up, and will be hissing away when I wake up tomorrow. Well, I'm hoping anyway.
It should be bubbling by morning. Did you do a starter, or just toss the yeast in? I got a starter going and after about 20 minutes, it was bubbling pretty well and sounding like a bowl of Rice Crispies. Just went down and checked on it (about two hours after pitching) and while there is no cap, there is visible bubbling.
It should be bubbling by morning. Did you do a starter, or just toss the yeast in? I got a starter going and after about 20 minutes, it was bubbling pretty well and sounding like a bowl of Rice Crispies. Just went down and checked on it (about two hours after pitching) and while there is no cap, there is visible bubbling.

There are bubbles, just no bubbling. I did a starter, then dropped the temp to within 10* of the must. I'll look forward to something more active tomorrow.
There are bubbles, just no bubbling. I did a starter, then dropped the temp to within 10* of the must. I'll look forward to something more active tomorrow.

If you go use your punch down tool and press down through the grapes, you will notice purple foam coming up. That is CO2 just starting to be produced, the Cap will show up after that.

Don't fret, if it smells wonderful, you are fine. Go drink some of those gazillion bottles you have in your wine room and "Frageta about it".
@jgmann67 @boatboy24
Keep those Brix, TA, and pH numbers and adjustments coming!! My frozen Lanza PS must will get to me after you are both in MLF. Assuming my stuff will be quite similar to yours, it's a heck of a fresh road map.
On a whim tonight, I tested my SG and was surprised to find myself halfway home at 1.050. So, I dosed with a bit o' nutrient and gave it a great punch and stir. Good foam. No overflow (the same can't be said for my chard, which was down to 1.030... Volcano!!!').

Am I doing this right? If I start at 1.106 and finish at 0.990, I've got a 15% ABV wine.
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I didn't measure, but dosed as well. Cap on both wines is reforming in less than 5 minutes.

Depending on which formula you use for ABV, you're right. I get a little higher than 15% and use (SG-FG)*133.
I may be pressing the wine this weekend (would like as much time as I can muster on the skins, so I might hold off until Monday or Tuesday of next week). If I punch the grapes one last time on Sunday, wait for it to form a good, solid cap and poke my racking cane through the cap, I can pretty much vacuum out most of the juice, yes? Once the juice is out, I can more easily haul the brute out to the garage to press the grape skins to get the remaining juice.