Peach/Nectarine Wine TOO THICK

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Senior Member
May 17, 2013
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Well, well, well. I tried my peach/nectarine wine and it is too thick. I messed up and put too much sugar. Not good to drink as wine but it will be a great daiquiri mix with crushed ice and a blender.

Is there anything that I can do to thin it out, so that it won't be so thick? I tried adding a little water in a cup to dilute it but it didn't taste right. If nothing else, I will have great frozen daiquiris.
what is the ABV of this?

Do y ou mean that you put in too much sugar at the beginning and the APV is too high or that you backsweetened it too much and it is basically alcoholic syrup now?
I think if you over-backsweetened your best option may be to make a similar batch and instead of backsweetening it, blend the two.

But I'm curious if anyone else has other ideas. I'm sure this will happen to me at some point.
what is the ABV of this?

Do y ou mean that you put in too much sugar at the beginning and the APV is too high or that you backsweetened it too much and it is basically alcoholic syrup now?

BINGO! That is what I did. I backsweetened it too much. Yep, it's syrup.