Out of the Shadows.......another Newbie

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Jun 2, 2006
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Hello to all. I have been lurking in the
shadows, absorbing </span>all sorts of wisdom
from the folks on this forum and finally decided that it was well past the time
to officially join. I can honestly say that this is not only the friendliest,
but also the most knowledgeable group that I have run across. I would like to
thank all of you, who unknowingly helped another ‘newbie’ get started. I
started off with a VR Chardonnay, Merlot and Riesling, all potable now. I have
bottled an Australian Chardonnay, White Zinfandel, and an Amarone. I have a SE
Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Pinot Noir bulk aging and a SO Viognier in
Primary fermentation. Anxiously waiting in the wings is a Cellar Craft Rosso
Fortissimo. I can already see that it is going to be a major test of patience
waiting for these 1 year(?) wines to mature. Thanks again, for all of the
information that you have made available. I only hope that at some time in the
future I will be able to return at least a small portion of that which I have
learned. </span>
Welcome Otto. Glad you finally came out of the shadows. Sounds like you are off and running!

Join the crowd as we all "Hurry up and Wait"
Welcome Otto! glad you decided to come out of the shadows and join us. Thanks for the kind words and I too hope you can help us teach the ways of the friendly, knowledgeable home winemaker.
Welcome Otto,

Sounds like you have been busy while in the shadows
. Good to have you aboard.
Welcome Otto, I was a lurker here for a long time also. This is a great group to join. Everyone has been very helpfull here. I know what you mean about waiting, not my strong point either.

Welcome to our forum and thanks for joining. As you have discovered, we have a lot of happy wine makers.

Otto -- you're official now -- and with a welcome from George, let me add that if you're at all hesitant about any question, email George directly -- he'll get right back to you! He wants us to succeed and his business is built on service to all of us! You'll find no one better!'


Hardly a "Newbie" with all that experience, but welcome and thanks for coming out of the shadows.

Yes, this is a great group and George' s service is top shelf. Don't forget we like pictures so fire up the camera and welcome aboard.
Welcome aboard and as Pepere says, hardly a newbie. Hopefully you can chime in with your experiences and join the fun. Look forward to hearing more from you.

Sound like he has been in the shadows Quite a few batches
there. and dont beat yourself up if in 6 mos you need to
check on the new babies yes they can walk in a year but they do
have to streech there legs alittle bit.
Welcome to the forum Otto. I too started with the longer aging wines, I figured I'd make them and while they age make some of the quick ones. That way in a couple of months I'll have something to drink and as they start to dwindle the others will be ready. I've always got store bought wines to fall back on if I need to, or local wines as well.
