RJ Spagnols Orchard Breezin' Peach Chardonnay

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Dec 12, 2010
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I have just started an RJS Orchard Breezin' Peach Chardonnay, and I'd like to bulk age it for just three months so it can be ready by mid to late summer. I'm deviating slightly from the instructions - I've added the liquid extraction of four very ripe, frozen bananas that were thawed, peeled, sliced, placed in a straining bag, and simmered in water for 25 minutes. I've placed approximately 2 pounds of corn sugar to bring the SG up to 1.070. I've also racked to a secondary carboy after five days, when the SG was 1.020, bringing over some of the gross lees, and I will ferment until dry, probably late January.

At that time, when I rack again, I will add the k-meta packet, and de-gas...

...wait three months...

...rack off lees to another carboy...

...add 1/4 TSP k-meta, de-gas...

...add kieselsol packet, de-gas...

...add chitosan packet, de-gas...

...add second keselsol packet, de-gas...

...wait a week or until clear...

...rack off lees to another carboy...

...add k-sorbate, de-gas...

...rack to bucket with spigot...

...bottle, and then cork.

Does this sound like the correct sequence of events? The main question is - when should I add the f-pack for proper bulk-aging?

Personally I would add the k-sorbate and f-pack prior to the Kieselsol-chitosan, in case there is anything in the f-pack that the clearing agent needs to work on. I would also move most of the 3 months to after the clearing agents.

I personally would follow the instructions to a "T" with the exception of bottling time and then bulk age a little, not much though. I have no problem at all with the nanners or added sugar though as I always do that. Always add the sorbate with sufficient sulfite levels so unless you are going to add sorbate after adding more sulfite later I would add it when you add the supplied sulfite.
Thanks everyone - will do!

The fermentation has slowed to a crawl in the secondary. Should be ready to rack perhaps within a week after the SG reaches steady state.

The reason I mentioned the schedule above was because I was thinking of trying Mattteo </span>Meglioli's schedule of bulk aging (I recall reading it from notes taken from Winestock), but for just two to three months of bulk aging and for such a light wine, I don't think it will matter much either way.

Thanks again!
dz-015 said:
Thanks everyone - will do!

The fermentation has slowed to a crawl in the secondary. Should be ready to rack perhaps within a week after the SG reaches steady state.

The reason I mentioned the schedule above was because I was thinking of trying Mattteo Meglioli's schedule of bulk aging (I recall reading it from notes taken from Winestock), but for just two to three months of bulk aging and for such a light wine, I don't think it will matter much either way.

Thanks again!
Most people consider aging a mist wine to be a waste of time. Personally, I like to give them about a month extra. Get this one in bottle, and start a good red. Spend time aging that one.

Having said that I have a mist wine that is being bulk aged at the moment. Not a planned situation, I'm just too lazy to bottle it. And I do have a good red bulk aging as well. Hope to get them both bottled this month.

For Me I would not Bulk age it. Ferment Dry then follow the instruction for Clearing. When it is clear bottle it and drink up. I have severial of these LITE kits I did 2 years ago and I feel they have not improved with age. They are Great Kits, I love to drink them, but Aging will not improve them.

That's my 2 cents.
I always give the Mist kits another month in the carboy sometimes 2, mainly for extra clearing time as otherwise they can easily drop a fine sediment in the bottle.

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