RJ Spagnols Orchard Breezin Calypso Bianco

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Dec 8, 2007
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Now that my Malbec is bottled, and the White Zin is in secondary fermentation, I have started my 3rd kit. I am making this in hopes that my Wife likes it as she HATES grapes. She will drink the occasional wine cooler though, so we shall see.I am enjoying this so far, but am dying to actually drink some wine darnit.
Edited by: onin24eagle

I just bottled the Orchard Breezin Kiwi Melon and both my wife and I are impressed. It is already tasty. I have made many of the WE version and so far I have found that if people don't really like wine, they do like theese. Good Luck


Good to know. I really do want my wife to like it, so she can enjoy the fruits of her labor like I do mine.
Day 14 and s.g. is at 1.000. I was really hoping to be able to rack today, but I will remain patient and wait for .998 s.g.
I finally racked. Weird how this batch clears. For about 1 week after racking it was pretty much solid, cloudy, and no evidence of sediment. All of a sudden today I see through the wine, and there is clearly sediment on the bottom. I was starting to think this stuff was supposed to be cloudy, but I guess not. Edited by: onin24eagle
I racked to the primary in anticipation of bottling. I extracted a glass for my me and my Wife to try. This stuff is pretty good already I must say. Very fruity tasting which is what I was going for. Even my wife, who hates grapes and grape juice with a passion, could drink it. Well, put it this way, she tried two sips andsaid she only tasted a little bit of grape flavor. Hopefully she'll like it better after it ages a while. I just ordered abottle tree and washer from George, so I should be able to bottle the Breezin' this weekend.