Older and a bit wiser...

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Sep 7, 2007
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Something I've had on the back burner for years, but now have a crop of plums/peaches that require harvesting. The peaches will have to wait 'til next year...ate 'em all!
The plums have, hopefully, lit the fire.

I made some grape wine, circa '73, from some concord grapes I picked up in upstate NY. The trip home was fantastic....smell of grapes fermenting all the way...guessing about 50+ lbs. I figured it was too late to eat them, so decided to, do as the Egyptians did...drop 'em in a bucket and see what happens. Well, they continued to ferment...Note: I didn't add anything to this must, ie., yeast/sugar...don't remember adding anything else either. At some point, I decided to bottle the juice. Yup...right from the must into some bottles I had laying around, and corked 'em. Shortly thereafter, I wrote a book on'how to decorate while sleeping'. Walls in the apartment were a beautiful burgandy!

It was then I decided I best read up on winemaking...no internet in those days. The first sentence was something like "the secondary fermentation stage can be violent..." DOH! To make a long story short...I ended up with about a dozen bottles of a nice burgandy wine. It was great!! Gone within a month...all twelve bottles. I did use airlocks.

Sorry it this was a bit long-winded, but I continue to laugh at my first experience. I just purchased some equipment from George.

btw: astrobootes is from my other hobby, astronomy..astronomy and wine drinking are great companions.

Feel free to offer any suggestions/pointers, and I look forward to an enjoyable relationship with both this forum and wine making/drinking.

Welcome Abe Simpson, Uh, I mean Astrobootes, glad to have you aboard and you started off in the right direction with this forum and equipment from George. Feel free to ask any questions you may have even if you think they have been asked before but if you have the time you may also do a search for older posts.