RJ Spagnols OCP

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Yes you will need a 3 gallon carboy or 3-1 gallon carboys but a 3 gallon would be better as youll have to put it back in 1 container to get all the other components mixed in and then have to put it all back in 1 gallon containers again. As far as bottles go you dont have to put in smaller bottles but I suggest you do cause this is a sipping wine and not a 2 or 3 glass wine a night but I guess it could be. I usually get 2 cases of smaller bottles which is usually 24 bottles and bottle the rest in big bottles for gatherings so I dont have to buy another case for 6 bottles. IMO this is the best dessert kit out there! I will make another batch this year as my dble batch from 2 years ago is getting very very low!
You will need a 3 gal carboy for the kit. Like Wade said, you can put them in small bottles. But it really doesn't matter. After I filled all my small bottles I used 3 of the larger ones. It is good for if you have company over and you can open a big bottle for the group!!
When I did my Choc Raspberry Port, I used regular sized bottles because that's what I had - and because I didn't want to shell out for the little bottles new.

Wade, I can say it's very easy to do 2 glasses a night of the CR port!

Even sipping... it's so good...but then it's there and it's open and to keep it from going to waste, well it gets used up pretty quick. I only got 11 bottles when I bottled the CR Port (too many samples from the carboy), and giving out presents, you give away twice as much as if you put it in the splits.

So this time, I'm going to get the bellissima bottles for the OCP, either 12 or 24 for even case lots, and then either use full size bottles for the remainder, or maybe beer bottles for giving away samples.

I'm most definitely doing the CR port again next year, so I see the bottle cost as an investment rather than an expense.
I used the Bellissima also as they just look awesome and they fit in wine racks much better and stack better also.
pelican, I used the 375ml cobalt blue bottles for my CRP last year. They look so attractive with a white shrink wrap on the necks.
I might have to compromise between vanity and frugality and get 1 case of Bellissima and 1 of the (cheaper) 375ml bottles...

Thanks for the White Shrink tip UAVWMN, I've started putting capsules on the bottles I want to set aside for aging. They do sure look nice with that finishing touch and it's one more layer of effort to break into the bottle.

P.S. I started my OCP today!!

The instructions say the Starting SG should be 1.115 or higher, I only registered 1.112. And there's no chaptalization step as there was in the CR port, so I guess this "port" will be a little lower abv level than the other one when it finishes. On the other hand, it came with a 1.5 litre finishing pack and I think the CR Port was only a litre bag at most.
I put all my Peach Ice wine in the cobalt blue 375 hocks and thy look really nice.
Does anyone recall when these kits become available again? October?? I'm down to just a few bottles. I think next go around I'll get a 24 pack of the 1/2 bottles...Giving a 750ml of something this good makes me think that recipients should...ummmmmmm....hmmmmmm...name a child, bridge or town after me!!!! Hahahahahaha! LOL!
Wade, I bet your ice wine looks very attractive in those cobalt blue bottles. Very classy.

I am wondering why George does not carry the CRP or OCP on a regular basis? It is soo popular.
Because its a limited edition and is only available around October I believe and all places have a very hard time getting anymore in after their initial order goes in. They do sell out fast and they have to stay on budget also as kits hanging around on their shelves dont make money. I think each place will probably order a little more each year till the number of kits that hangs around on their shelves lasts too long. Thanks for the compliment on the Ice wine bottles. The 2 cases of bottles was actually a Christmas present from my parents. Parts of the label actually get lost on the bottles but thats go as really all you see is the picture of the Peach and the words Ice Wine, all the other stuff like Winexpert info is almost completely invisible which works in my favor!
Grapestompers has the OCP listed as in stock and it seems George still has some of the Peach.
Sue, it is in the Fall sometime. But I know I am ordering 2 kits this year!!!
I think if George had this year round it would NOT sit on the shelf for very long!!
Yes, I think I'll get 2 kits next year, too! I just put through an order via Grapestompers...we'll see if they still have the OCP in stock. If so, yipeeee!
Sue, have you tasted the OCP yet? I bottled some a couple of months ago, but haven't tasted any yet.
No only have I tasted it but it's almost gone! My husband LOVES it! I didn't fortify with brandy and only did it as a 4 week kit - no bulk aging. This go around, I may do that and bulk age it so hubby has to wait and then appreciate how good it can REALLY be!

But then again, who knows! I'm glad that he likes it so no prob here!
Sue as I was making the first kit and had a taste of the f-pack, I thought it was so good I went ahead and ordered another kit that night. I did not fortify either one because I thought it was perfect. I did however hide a case.
I ordered an OCP kit today through Grapestompers and I got the last one! Thanks for the heads up, vcasey! Oh, vacsey: You were smart to order anotherone right away! I'll keep thinking about whether I'll fortify it or not...it does taste good and gives a nice, mellow feeling...
So, uavwmn - you tasted it, eh?! YUMMY!
Sue, I will probably wait a couple more months before I open one. But you are making it harder on my will power, as I am getting weak........