RJ Spagnols OCP

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I get 16 .25 but close enough as our formulas are not exact. As far as degassing goes it never will stop as you will always be pulling a vacuum on the wine so will always be able to pull vacuum through the wine but Im sure yo noticed that the bubbles went from small to big and thats the difference.
Yes, saw that. Thanks.

That ABV was before the F pack. How much do you think that would change things?
Thanks! I should have checked it but I didn't. Too many things going on. (Messing with the new pump.)
Are we having fun yet?

I'm impatient for my next bottling. I don't think I can bottle anything earlier than March right now. I could bump one up to Feb if I really wanted to

Hey Admiral, with all these wines you are making have you gotten a good supply of bottles yet?
I am about to make that move. I and my friends and family are saving up, but, lushes we may be, it takes a while to get all the bottles needed. Oh, but we are having fun!
Reading through the posts, one of Wade's replies just gave me one of those "duh/bang head against the wall" moments:

"...I always tilt my carboys to 1 side when clearing so that all the sediment goes to 1 side and then I gently tilt the other way and rack off the shallow end to get more wine and less sediment...."

Don't know why this never occured to me before to do this. How far do you tip them? Would a lengthof 1 x 4 along one side be enough?

(now pardon me while I get some ice for my forehead......)
Yeah... I had a similar experience last week. It makes so much sense and I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me.
Tilting as much as you can and still have the carboy stable so that it dont fall over, that would be bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got them all tilted.Gave them a bit of a shake, just to make sure they were stable.Yes, falling over would be very, very, very bad.
Received a gift Kit from my sons.. Orange Chocolate Port.. How nice

Beginning Sg 1.114


Sg today is 1.030
In this picture... little curious.. the foam on the sides in a few areas is white.. have not seen this before, could this becaused by having lid on and condensation running down the sides?
What a nice present! That looks just like mine although, I don't remember any white foam. Got milk?
Well, I bottled this one today. It is wonderful! I filled 24 dark green bellisima 375 bottles and two 750 bottles plus some for me for later. The taste actually reminds me of a sherry taste with chocolate in the background. I am sure it will change as time goes by, but, right now, it is great. Pictures later after labeling.

Oh, and I started another one just to keep the pipeline full.
Looks wonderful. Thanks for helping me decide what to drink tonight!