New vineyard in S.E. Georgia

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Apr 5, 2010
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Well I have a post going with MM white Zin kit that I started last Saturday so I figured I would post my other project. Well I have started my back yard vineyard. Since I am in the south I pretty much have to go with Muscadines and Florida bunch grapes. I decided to try four different varieties(Conquistador, Blanc Du Bois, Carlos, andNoble). I ordered 5 of each and so far I have received theConquistador and Blanc Du Bois. I have them in Pots as I did not expect them so soon and my rotor tiller was in the shop for a few weeks longer than expected. So today I was able to get one row tilled and prepped. I am going about 72' with 4" round end posts and 2" posts for each plant planted 12' apart. I will have one row for each and then maybe some blueberries or raspberries on the end. I will be putting in a drip system for each row but have not decided on the rate for the nozzles(1GPH or 2GPH). I am thinking about 1 GPH on either side of plant a few inches away from the vine. I will post pics if you folks are interested and I appreciate any advice you folks can give me. These forums are excellent and I have already learned a bunch doing my first kit. Also I am thinking of a double wire system so when the canes start I can tie them up to the upper wire while the cordons are tied to the lower wires. I will keep everyone posted as things go. Thanks in advance.
We love pics!
I was able to pick some Carlos and Noble from a somewhat local wineries vineyard - all the left overs they didn't want. I like the Noble, but love the Carlos, we should have started with those first! Still have a freezer full of the Noble that I need to work with before hubby tosses them in favor of his hops.
I don't grow the southern grapes so i can't comment on specifics, but it sounds like you are off and running. Good luck with the project. It will be a fun and long journey. Enjoy it as you go and it doesn't seem like work. What soil type do you have - sandy or full or red southern clay? That will influence what you need for water.
Congrats and yes we want some pics!

I am always happy to see someone "take it to the next level." You will derive a lot of satisfaction from this, I think! Best of luck
Well I was able to get one more row tilled before the back told me I was done. I took a picture of the first two tilled rows for a before picture. It will give me something to compare when I am done. Hopefully I will get the next two rows tilled this week. I have all the supplies for the trellis system except the wire. We have a Lowe's but they do not carry any 12.5 gauge High Tension wire. If anyone has a suggestion on where to get some wire at a reasonable cost I am all ears and I need to get it ordered soon. Here is the pic and I will post more as things come along.
looking good...for local shops ...check out tractor supply...or maybe agway/blue seal

online..ken cove and many many others...spec trellis etc...shipping charges apply
Well, do to the weather and having to work Saturday I was not able to get to much done to the vineyard but I figured I would post another picture or two. I was able to get most of the first row done. Planted 5 Conquistadore vines and the wife decided to use the end of the row to put her blueberry plants. I still need to put the drip system in and get the wire installed. Hopefully I can get the drip system in during the week and then get the wire done on the first row. I still need to finish the second row and then get going on the last two. Luckily I am supposed to get three days off for this weekend. We will see how far we get. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated :).


First row.

Conquistadore Vines.
That's looking pretty good. Your soil looks dry there already!

Once comment is if those are zip-ties, I would replace them with a flexible tie almost immediately. Your vines will be girdled quickly by those if they are the zip-ties.
They are zip ties at the moment put on loose. I will be replacing them soon. As for fertilizer I was thinking 1/4 lb 10-10-10 on the first of each month per vine then maybe 1/4 cup calcium nitrate to increase the growth on the 15th of each month thru July for the first year. As for spraying I was looking at the fungicide Captan at 2 tablespoons per gallon once they get a little bigger. Thanks for the responses.
check soil ph

also if your lawn is getting fertilized then its going to impact the grapes

captan is fine...for many things..not all...look into an ipm from your county ext agent or state university as well
If you are talking those amounts per vine per month, I would think it would be way too much. A soil test will help like Al said. I only use 1/2 pound per vine of a general fertilizer- once a year! Grapes will respond to the fertility with lush green growth, but it will impede their hardening off later in the year
Those guidelines were given to me from a vineyard a bit south of me where I bought the vines from. What do you guys use to attach your vines to the stakes and wires?
Sisal baler twine works well. I use a round rubber ring called a cane-fix. They decompose in a few months. They stretch and then fall apart. I also use a tapener gun that attaches a vinyl tape.
I actually found the flexible tape at Lowes and got some.I am curious as to each of your fertilizer and ipm routines. I know it depends on soil condition and where you are located and maybe, to an extent, grape type. Like I said earlier the routine I gave you was one that a vineyard in Florida gave me. The dosages were for first year plants only and did not go further than the end of July. As for hardening, since the growing season here is so long and we do not have much of a winter at all, is that going to meanI may have issues after the first year. I am assuming the hardening happens during the dormant stage. Again thanks a bunch for helping thisnewbie out.
Your fertilizer recommendations are straight from the Ison's guide for muscadines. 1/4# 10-10-10 for the first season on April 1, May 1, June 1, and July 1. Use the calcium nitrate 1/4# per vine April 15, May 15, June 15, and July 15. You can substitute ammonia nitrate but use 1/8#

Second year those numbers double, third year use 3#'s 10-10-10 in May 1st

4th year fertilize as needed

I'm in season 2............... Carlos, Ison, and Dixie Red varieties