new house

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Senior Member
Apr 20, 2007
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We have recently found exactly what we've been looking for in a house. So in the midst of the Wall Street meltdown and all the other bad news, we decided to go for it. We've put our house on the market and are doing all the 'Honey- Do's' that were conveinent to put off until later. So life has been a whirlwind of contractors, realtors, trips to the hardware store and work, work, work. I have two wine kits still in boxes just waiting. But in the end it will be worth all the craziness and stress. If it doesn't work out, our current home will be the way we have been envisioning it for a long time ( sans the large yard and extra 3 car garage for the hubby). So I will keep plugging away on the projects and hopefully get back to fermenting soon.
Good luck on the new digs, sometimes you do just have to go for it!!
Thanks guys, we've been riding the rollercoaster of excitement and anxiety that we just can't get it all done. But we continue to plug away at all the projects and packing the non-essentials. Now I'm off to the hardware store, again.
Have fun with your projects......

Hope you sell your house and get the home of your dreams....
Best wishes moto and hope you find what you want and sell your house fast.
Good luck with all the projects and success in selling your place
we've been riding the rollercoaster of excitement and anxiety

That is what the wine kits were for! You drink the wine and break the bottleover the contractors head.
At least that is what I have had done to me. (that is why some of us wear hard hats)

Good luck, After you get finished You may not want to sell.
Well the hubby left this morning to go deer hunting 'up north'. Its a special early gun season for antlerless deer. So my project is to refinish the wood floors in two bedrooms. But the realtors keep schuelding showings. I should be thankful ( and I am ), But I don't often have a block of three days off in a row to really hunker down and knock a bunchof stuff off the to-do list. So its really a case of frustration. I cant tear apart the bedrooms and start prepping until they leave. Boy, carpet seems better all the time. Thanks for listening.
Your frustrations are fully understood and welcome here for venting. Who do those people think they are, wanting to look ata house they may want to buy? Ha! Maybe one of the showings will make an offer and then you can quit with all of the work!!!
PWP is right if they like the home they will buy it, then they can do what they like, it won't matter if the floors and the to-do list get done or not. Unless the list is fix gaping hole in roof or missing other vital componants.

It is a very stressfull time so try to slow down and relax.
That is right! When we sold our house, I was going to do some touch up paint, etc, and the realtor said "don't waste your time. If someone wants it they will buy it and your work won't make a difference". I didn't do anything and it was gone in 2 weeks. Of course it was in a little better times! Good luck! Looks like you will need it if your house is in Janesville!!
Good luck Moto Girl and if you have repairs that "MUST" be done, just tell the realtors to not show the house on those couple of days.

Keep something in mind when selling your house...... Cheaper doesn;t always sell. 16 years ago we had a house on the market in NY for over six months at $89,900K. it showed a couple of times, but nothing. One day a few months after our listing ran out an elderly salesman showed up at my door step and asked if he could list my house for $139,900...... I laughed at him and said I would sign a contract with him but he was welcome to list it if he wanted to, if he brought me an offer, then I would sign a 30 day contract. Two days later he sold the house......... I was in shock! He got me $50K more than I was asking! He said my other realtor screwed up by not listing it in a price range were people were looking to buy, no one was looking at $90,000 homes.

A couple of years ago, one of my employees had his house on the market for 3 years at $129K ..... It wasn't moving. I kept telling him to raise the price, finally he did tell his realtor to raise it to $159,900 and it sold in 2 weeks.

It apparently doesn't matter what the house is worth, it's what people are willing to pay.

Good luck to you.

If nothing else go and buy a St Joseph the carpenter statue and follow directions. You can laugh but it works.
You know I was actually going to get one of those statues; can't hurt, might help. One of the reasons for finishing the honey-do's is exactly what Hannabarn mentioned. We do live in Janesville, home of the oldest GM factory in the country. It is schuelded to end production on Dec 23 of this year. So, there are lots of homes to chose from in all price ranges. We are just trying to make ours really desirable; at least more than the other 6 in the neighborhood. If it doesn't sell, we have done all the little things and upgrades that we've been discussing for the last few years, and have made the house really great.

So, today I will slow down and have some wine, after all life is too short to work all the time.

If that's Janesville, WI you're talking about, we're actually not terribly far apart as I live in the northwest suburbs of Chicago.

You've got the right approach - drink wine. :)

- Jim
We buried the statue of St. Joesph when our farm wasn't selling....It did finally sell and we had to move in the middle of winter....The statue was in a glass jar in a flower bed....Jim dug it up and broke the jar....I tried to get all the glass out of the frozen dirt...I don't think the 2 guys that bought the place were much into gardening, so don't think they ever would have cut themselves.

It worked for us.....Good Luck Moto-Girl....Cheers!!!!!
yup, Jim I'm just up the road from you. And a few glasses of Valipolicella makes everything seem OK. It was the first kit I made and I've neverbeen all that excited with it. It was thin and had an off taste. I figured it was a beginners kit, so no big deal. But now, after 18 or so months of age, its actually quite good. Now I'm rethinking all that sangria I made this summer with it.

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