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Oct 25, 2010
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I fermented my blackberry wine for approx. 3 weeks, then racked on Oct. 19th and let the fermentation subside until there were very few tiny bubbles rising within the glass carboy. I racked today (Nov. 22nd), degassed in the new carboy, added 5 crushed campden tabs, and topped off with welches grape juice concentrate and distilled water. I have the air lock in place, placed carboy back in the dark closet with a dark towel wrapped around it for added light protection. Now what besides wait? How long should I wait until the next racking, 2 monthes? And then in the next racking should I added Potassium Sorbate? Tomorrow I plan on racking the raspberry, which I started just days apart from the Blackberry. Thank you in advance.
1st we need more info.
Was this a kit and what kind
What was the starting gravity
What is it now? and whats the temp?
What yeast?
Now then we can help
No kit, used canned blakberry purree. Temperature is 70 degrees. I put 15# sugar in the must, and the sg was not even on the scale, hydrometer was floating too high. Sg now as far as I can tell is 1.01. The yeast was a dry yeast, lalvin.
OK so 15# will be a very high alcohol wine. (rocket fuel)
Have you tasted it?
If the gravity dont change in the next 3 days add your meta and sorbate and clearing agent. Then wait 3-4 weeks and rack it off the sediment.

BTW why did you add so much sugar. I'm guessing its one can and 5 gal?
Did you add sorbate also before adding the juice I hope? If not it may start fermenting all over again.
Yes have tasted and to me it tastes great. I added so much sugar as I wanted it strong and no recipe. I used 2 lg. Cans of juice puree and added grape juice concentrate to top off.
No, I did not add the sorbate, just the 5 crushed campden tabs, then topped off. I can add the sorbate now though, as there is JUST enough room at the top. 2.5 tsp. right?
Sorbate is 1/2tsp per gallon so depends on what you have