My First Kit!

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Dec 31, 2008
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I just wanted to say I bought my first wine making kit this past week and am now working on my first batch! its a Castel del Papa I have already had to call the winemakers toy store for some advice! Thanks for helping me! that guy is great!

Now .. for my next question... I have everything in the bucket... in the instructions that came with the kit... it said to put the airlock on the bucket lid and keep the lid loose for 24 to 48 hours then snap shut.. but later in the instructions it talks about how to fill the airlock with patassium metabisulfite solution... so I am kind of lost.. do I just leave the airlock empty? or do I put water? or the solution it it?

basicly what I need to know is do I leave the lid loose for 24 hours then fill the airlock and tighten the lid... because in the video he said I could leave the lid loose threw the whole prosses in the furmentation bucket and it said I could stur the wine every day.. to help the process? is this correct?
You can leave the cover loose for the first part of the fermentation...putting the air lock in empty is just to plug the hole so nothing gets to you wine.....Have fun watching your new baby..
I use clean dish towel on top of the bucket, held in place with a string and rubber band, to keep small things out of the bucket and just place the cover on top to keep big things out of the wine[cats, small childen and things like that].....Good luck and don't be afraid to ask...
Ive always snapped the lid shut with airlock 1/2 full of sanitizing solution, it is best to leave the lid loose or cover with a towel that has rubber band around so it doesnt fall in. Ive done about 60 kits now and never had a problem this way, I do stir it every other day once the fermentation starts to introduce more 02 in there though.
The reason that you leave the lid loose or cover with a cloth is the wine (must) needs oxygen. In the begining the yeast need food, that being oxygen to multiply. Once they multiply they don't need the oxygen hence, snap the lid with an airlock. You can alsouse Vodka in the airlock.
ok.. so leave the lid loose for 24 to 48 hours? then snap shut with an airlock? and then every 2 days mix it a little? right? or just leave the lid loose for the whole 5 to 7 days of primary fermentation until I transfer it to the carboy?

sorry I am still a little lost lol!! I swear I am not as stupid as I sound haha
Don't overthink it quitar. There is no absolute right or wrong way. Either way works. The important thing is to make sure it is covered somehow to keep things out of it. I generally keep a loose lid covered. Just center it on the bucket. A bit of yeast nutrient either supplied with the kit or some you supply is a good idea at the recommended rate of the manufacturer.
Don't worry...We are here to help....The cover can be left loose or snapped down, which ever you feel more comfortable with....the loose cover just makes it easier to get at to stir and give it more O2.....One more thing, the 5 to 7 day thing as in the direction is a relative number....I would start checking your SG. at about day 3 and rack at the number your directions say...Hope this helps...
Very good info Bert has just given and I was just about to type that but Bert beat me this time.
If you have kids or animals that can get to this primary then snap it down tight!
I wont reiterate what all the others have said becuase they are all right, but I did want to say: WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!
Were here to help you in any way possible!


P.S. - Pictures are always good cause were nosy like that
Of course there is another benifit on leaving the lid loose. That is in the begining you will get a good "cap" going and by leaving the lid loose you reduce blow off. That will keep your area clean
ok... so the first 20 hours are out of the way.. I took a look at it just now.. my hydrometer reading was around the 1.090 mark....

but the temp looked to me about 60 to 62.. I have it stored in my basment in one of the colder rooms... should I move it to a warmer room since it says to store it inbetween 65 and 75?
Get that temp up around 74* now at least until it starts fermenting, thats very cold for a yeast to start.
For sure get the temp up. After you rack then you can age in "cooler" temps
ok moved it upstairs.. my thermostat says 72.. so I will wait a few hours and take another reading
May take more than a few hours. Check the temp before you go to bed.
It takes quite some time to change the temp of 6 gallons of wine by just putting it in a warmer room. If you can, put the bucket in a bigger tub and put 80* water surrounding it for an hour or 2. That will bring the temp up much faster.
ok! I put a heating pad around it and have been keeping my eye on it to help it warm up a bit.. thanks!
Somtimes I just put mine right in front of the heater vent to get the temps up for a couple days.