Mulberry Wine

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Get us a pic. I will be getting these by the bucket fulls in a couple of weeks.
Cant wait to get a hold of some Mulberries! I now have Mulberry envy!
I hope this turns out as well as you say it does Wade. I think I need to order me some cotes de blanc yeasties since almost everyone suggests that it is the way to go with fruit wines. That will be the majority of my wine making, unless I decide to go with a kit or two.
AL I can say is I wish I didnt miss out last year. I had only gathered up enough for a 1 gallon batch as I missed most of the berries due to the people telling me to come in a few weeks when I really should have come the next week.
Looks good Gaudet,

I can always tell when the mulberries are ready, a guy at work will come in with purple fingers and lips

Did a little work on this one today. Its absolutely amazing how fast its clearing. Here are the details. I don't plan to backsweeten, Final gravity was 0.990, 12.2% ABV. Put it all back under glass and k-meta airlocks. 3 gallon carboy and a 750 ml bottle full of this nice stuff....Plan to age this one for 3-4 months then rack again and bottle. This will be my first dry wine. Oh yeah I almost forgot to mention it tasted pretty good too.
Looks great buddy. I have never had a Mulberry but it sure likes it is crying out to have some oak added while bulk aging. Trying to taste it through my monitor I would say an American oak, medium toast would be a good choice.
Stick some corks in this one as well. I bottled 13 750's and 4 375's today. I am sipping on the last bottle and love it. Its bone dry but wonderful flavor..... I aim this one up high at you NW...........Salut!
The ones here are still a little too early, about 1 more week but they just arent no where as big as last year cause of all the rain and no sun. Probably aint going to have all the taste either so might have to up the amount of fruit this time to adjust for that.
I gathered up 2 more 1 gallon bags of Mulberries today but still nowhere near enough for a batch. Ill go back on Tuesday and hopefully again on Friday or Saturday.
How many bags you need Wade? I used three 1 gallon bags to make my 18 pounds and used 1.75 gallons of juice for the 3 gallon batch. How many gallons are you making?
I was looking to get 36 lbs but dont think its going to happen this year as I lost way too much to high winds from a storm last week. Ill be lucky if i get enough for a 3 gallon batch this year.
Well 3 gallons is better than 1 gallon. Perhaps next year I will get more than the 18 pounds I got this year. That's a bottle a month with 3 to test.....

How did your mulberry wine turn out? Mine is still in the carboy aging. I added some medium toast oak to mine and like what it added. I am suprised at the taste difference from fresh to wine on these. If you would, Give me a description if you have tried it.

It turned out pretty good Bob. I have about 8 bottles left off of 14. I left it dry and I enjoyed the hell out of it when I opened it last. Its very drinkable young. Looking forward to making that one again in the spring.