Mother’s Day

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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2004
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I would like towishall the moms out there a very happy and wonderful Mother's Day.

Being a great mom is one of the toughest jobs and I know it seems your efforts go unappreciated at times so a BIG BIG thank you for all you do for the rest of us!

That's so sweet! Thank you, Scott. I almost teared up there,
but I got that 1 feeling of mine back in check so I'm good for the day.

And to all the other moms out there, HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY!
<LABEL id=HbSession SessionId="241556067">I, too, would like to pass along my sincerest thanks to all those wonderful moms that helped us grow into decent human beings. Without them, where would we be?</LABEL>

<LABEL SessionId="241556067">Happy Mother's Day!</LABEL>
Yep, happy Mother's day to all of those wonderful caring women out there who care for everyone!!

I've had a great day! My husband even cooked breakfast and lunch after church, and cleaned the kitchen!! Who could ask for more??
Happy Mother's day to all of the moms out there. It has been a great day for me. My family gave me a 70 bottle wine rack, new cork screw and a gift card to pick out some wine.
I love my guys, they are the best.
We spent Mother's Day with friends and this dog wandered into the yard. We checked the tag he was wearing on his Harley Davidson collar and called the number. Left a message on the voice mail. The dog's name is Spanky! Isn't he beautiful! He is such a nice dog and we even really good with the little girls. No barking, jumping, trying to lick their faces. Anyway, we had Spanky the Naughty Dog for several hours that day. When his "dad" finally showed up, neither of them seemed excited to see each other. Guess Spanky makes a habit of going walk about. Just needed to share the picture of the wonderful dog.

The real Mother's day was two weeks ago in England. I spent my time on
phone with my mUm. at 76 she is still going strong, smokes like a
drinks like a fish (or is it the other way round). My dad looked after her
me (I think there was a very nice meal involved there) I spent about the
same time on the phone to my mother-in-law; lives in Missouri. As Carol
away in the UK at the moment, it was left to me to do the honors. I think
must have spent 45 minutes on the phone with her, and then some to my
father in law, telling him how to treat her nice

'Course my girls were also on the phone.
did manage to get the video IM going for them to talk to their mum too.
Couldn't get the sound to work but we did get video and text across.
Kinda comical too.
PolishWineP said:
We spent Mother's Day with friends and this dog wandered into the yard. We checked the tag he was wearing on his Harley Davidson collar and called the number. Left a message on the voice mail. The dog's name is Spanky! Isn't he beautiful! He is such a nice dog and we even really good with the little girls. No barking, jumping, trying to lick their faces. Anyway, we had Spanky the Naughty Dog for several hours that day. When his "dad" finally showed up, neither of them seemed excited to see each other. Guess Spanky makes a habit of going walk about. Just needed to share the picture of the wonderful dog.


He must of been sick or something cause I have the same dog (Boston Terrier) and while he rarely barks, he jumps on you and licks like crazy.

Every one I have ever seen does this. They are a breed of their own. That is actually the first true American dog breed. Ours name is Chester. He is a terrible watch dog as he loves everyone and will follow anyone in the world home if he had a chance.

Now our Yorkie is a different story in regards to barking. She thinks she is a 5 pound German Shepperd.

And oh yes, Happy belated Mothers Day to all.


Edited by: smurfe