So this has been the wettest Summer on record here in NM. Lots of places have 2-3X average ANNUAL rainfall already and we still have 5 months left in the year. Have never sprayed for anything here as other than a few Grape Leaf Skeletonizers just no real need. This year might be different. Saw these spots about a week ago, looking closely they are only on about 2 vines out of 35 or so and only on Marquette, no Noiret or Corot Noir. Looks like perhaps downy mildew or powdery mildew perhaps but would like an expert opinion on what it is and if you think anything needs to be done. Also it is only on a few leaves on two vines, not like the entire vine by any means. We have had several small hail storms hit us in the last month. Luckily they have been staying small pea sized. Just a little bit of damage to some clusters and a few leaves. Things are looking overall very good and shaping up to be a fantastic harvest if the hail stays away.....