Mix can of reisling and black currant juice?

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Mar 8, 2013
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The situation arises from just having a 1 gallon and 5 gallon carboy for secondary fermentation. I want to start a batch of black currant (Vintner's Harvest), but the recipes say the can is best for 3 gallons rather than 5. I have a half can of Alexander's Reisling frozen in a ziplock in my fridge. I think I could mix these to start a 5 gallon batch, but would it taste good?

Yeah, I could buy a 3 gallon carboy, but every paycheck I buy more new hobby stuff, so I'm trying to slow down! Thanks!
Cool, thanks Abe and Seth. Bottling my first wine, Welch's and frozen Berry blend juice this weekend. What a hoot, Welch's on french oak.
Go for it, Add a pound of raisins for body. You can also add 1 large ripe banana per gallon for extra body as well. Keep us up to date, I would like to know how it turned out.