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I got some of that I might just have to put it in tonight.

Edit 1:

Packet #1 in at 17:35

Edit 2:

Packet 2 in
Edited by: gaudet
Go for it. I use the Isinglass when it comes with a kit but personally i would never buy it separately. If you never have used SuperKleer go for it tonight and then check tomorrow morning and you will be amazed but let it sit about a week to make sure everything is down and to let it get compacted so you wont disturb it when racking off it!
I used it on my first batch of blackberry. It worked great. But the weird thing is I have a 1 gallon batch of blackberry mead aging that cleared with no fining agents whatsoever. I have used the isinglass in two other batches and so far I am not impressed with it.
Wade you have made a firm believer out of me. I put the isinglass in almost 3 weeks ago, no sediment drop off at all. I put the superkleer in last night and I have almost an inch of lees already in a little over 14 hours. Sweet. I guess I should just throw away the isinglass cause I'm not going to use it again. The hard thing about the superkleer is splitting it among 1 gallon batches. How would you accomplish that? I guess I will just have to use a whole packet.
I use Super-Kleer in numerous jugs....If I have 5 gallon jugs I will put each packet in 5 oz of water and add an ounce to each gallon....That's is not according to directions, but it always works real good.

Only once I had Super-Kleer not work....I added Isinglass and it was crystal clear over night.....So, either had a bad batch of Super-Kleer or has gas in the wine at the time I added it.

Don't throw your Isinglass away, put it away...just in case you might need it.
I plan to bottle this batch this weekend. I will be tasting it and post some pics of how it looks as a final product. Its got a great color on it and the last time I racked it it was tasting pretty good. Keep our fingers crossed.
Are you done yet? how about now? where's the pics?

I just used Super-Kleer for the 1st time and worked GREAT, my dandelion didn't clear but the next morning, wa-la clear.
Scott said:
Are you done yet? how about now? where's the pics?

I just used Super-Kleer for the 1st time and worked GREAT, my dandelion didn't clear but the next morning, wa-la clear.

Wonderful stuff that Super Kleer..... I will post pics tomorrow or Sat. After I bottle it
Bottled yesterday got 30.5 bottles

Here are some pics of it in the back yard. You can see my muscadine trellis in the background. And the snow is gone from two days ago....


That looks fantastic! How does it taste? I'm thinking of making a blueberry wine from concentrate and frozen fruit since I've missed the season. I'm just curious how drinkable it is once its finished.

It's taste reminded me of the blackberry merlot kit my friend made last month. It will be a good summer/table wine. I think it is finished at close to 11% ABV

Monty you can get the juice from Wally World for about $3 for just under 2 quarts. I did not backsweeten it at all and it has a nice fruity flavor. Its very drinkable right now, but I want to put some gray hairs on it......
Edited by: gaudet