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just the juice, don't have a press or a crusher, but they are going on my christmas list along with George's website address !!!!!! one baby step at a time
Bravo! I like to see people know what they want and let people know how to get it for them! Liberace used to wear lots of rings but he always had at least 1 finger without a ring to let people know there was always room for another one!
Oh good. Glad to hear it. It's amazing what popular culture can do to a product! Bert just bought us a Merlot kit this weekend!
Hi all,

I recoginze some names from the great beyond and other forums and that makes me more comfortable here. I just thought I'd give you a good rat repellent photo. Just put it out in the garage and no worries. I'm the old guy on the right with the grandmaster in the center and my "little" boy on the left.
Just noticed when I signed in here, I didn't post a pic of me. I did find one I though I would share. It is one of us "Wasted Away In Margaritaville". It was taken at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville in New Orleans. We usually start our New Orleans day out there getting "loose" on Jimmie's Perfect Margaritas, we then stumble over to Pat O'Brians for a few Hurricanes, after that, we really don't care what happens or where we go but hey, it is always a great day!



Edited by: smurfe
Hi Curt, I recognize you from another forum in regards to your Sake making posts. I am very interested in trying that. We love Sake. I am sipping it now as I type.

Welcome Curt. Glad to have your experience on the forum. Congrats on the Black Belt. My daughter tried Karate for a while, but could not handle the mental discipline part.

Smurfe, nice picture. Looks like you have 2 lovely ladies in your life. I have 3, one wife (it works better that way) and 2 daughters.
Thanks for the welcome George. I've been a black belt for 17 years now
(where does the time go?) and a martial artist for 22.


It's just like making your own wine or homebrew, once you try homemade sake you won't like the commercial stuff nearly as well.
Curt said:
Thanks for the welcome George. I've been a black belt for 17 years now
(where does the time go?) and a martial artist for 22.


It's just like making your own wine or homebrew, once you try homemade sake you won't like the commercial stuff nearly as well.
It is defiantly on my to do list.

Hello everyone, newbie here. 26 years old and in the Air Force. Currently I am stationed up in Louisville,KY. Been in the military for almost 8 years and lived in Japan for 2 of those 8 years and another 4 of those years was spent down in Warner Robins, GA. I am currently engaged to a wonderful woman and will be getting married in October. My grandfather used to make wine and I have always been interested in doing so myself, so here I am. Just ordered a kit from George on Thursday and got it Saturday. Didn't expect to get it so soon.I Look forward to making and enjoying wine for many years to come.


Edited by: mike78

We are so honored to have you as a member of our forum. Let me be the first to thank you for your service for our Country and tell you how much I appreciate your sacrifice for my FREEDOM! You are doing an outstanding job!

It sounds like you have wine making in the blood. From personal experience, wine making can become very addictive. I made my first wine less than4 years ago and look where I am now. We have some great vintners on this forum, please post any questions you may have and you will get a lot of good advice. Of course, you can always pick up the phone and give me a call.

Welcome to the wonderful world of home wine making.
Mike, Welcome! Glad to have another member on the forum and as George says, Thank you. We look forward to hearing how that first batch of wine goes! Just remember, everyone here is rooting for success and you can post a question any time, day or night, and there always seems to be someone here to help you.
Welcome Mike and I too would like to thank you for your service to our countryin helping protect our way of life.

You have picked the best retailer and forum to help you be very successful with your wine making efforts.
Thank you all for such a warm welcome. I look forward to a many great wines and the experience this forum has to offer.
Hippie said:
Hi Mike. Welcome. I am an old ex-Airman myself. Good to see ya here.


Nice to meet ya too Hippie. What a coincidence my last name is Harris also.
Wow. Scairy. I remember alot of that sirname everywhere I went during my service. I grew up here in rural Arkansas thinking ours was the only family with that name until Franko Harris made it famous playing football in Texas. Imagine that!

Do you know any ROMAD's? I got suckered into that mess. Long story.

Give 'em hell.
welcome Curt, Smurfe, and Mike.... Mike, God Bless America and all that you and the other heroes of our country do for us and freedom, rock on!!