making soda?

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Dec 31, 2008
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ok so this is a little off topic.. but has anyone ever tried one of those soda kits? my question about this is you put a yeast in them... ?? I didn't know soda had yeast..? does it tast ok? seems fast and easy to make.. and might be a fun time for the kids.. lol
I made a batch of the RootBeer once and it turned out pretty dang good
The yeast is added at bottling to carbonate the soda if you are putting your soda in soda/beer bottles. There will be a trace amount of alcohol in the soda from the bottle fermentation, but nothing that should have any noticeable effect. Or you can buy yourself a cornelius keg and CO2 tank and force carbonate your soda to serve to your family. That's what I have done. Then I simply make the soda recipe, do not add yeast, but rack the soda into my keg, seal it, and apply 25 psi of CO2.
Here is a Web Site that I often is in Dutch as well as English....This fellow Luc Volders does many experiments, On this page there are many interesting articles including making a sparkling soda.

The English version is always below the Dutch version...
The information on soda is about half way down the page...

This page was refined a bit....

I have never tried it, but it sure looks like it works.

By the the bottom of this page is an interesting article about how to make CLEAR plum wines....

I've made soda from the concentrates found at most LBHS or online. Difference is I also make beer and keg it instead of bottles.
Since I kave 20+ kegs I made my soda then keged and force carbonate.
appleman said:
tepe what kinds of sodas do you make? Do you keep it on tap?

I made a sassperella (sp?) Birch beer crean and cola. YES it was on tap. (don't have any made right now) I converted a side by side to my kegerator with 2 taps thru the door. Kids loved it tapping a KEG to get soda.
I've tried twice to make sassperella and both times was dissapointed. It never seems to carbonatge correctly and tastes flat. I've checked to make sure the jug is sealed correctly but still no luck. I've decided not to try again and stick with wine making. Thankfully that is going much better.
I made the root beer and only added about one teaspoon of yeast to the mix and it did not carbonate in the time the instructions said it would. I was disappointed and was going to throw it out but didn't get around to it - I went back a couple of weeks later and when I picked up the first bottle it had gotten solidly firm and I found it had carbonated. I decided that it just took longer since I didn't add enough yeast initially - but that the yeast eventually multiplied and did their thing. It was delicious and is about gone now. (By the way - I used 10 ounce plastic coke bottles so as not to worry about explosions - of which there were none).
Here is what we did:

I would highly recommend that you pass on the Champagne yeast and find an ale yeast such as Nottingham. Our first batch came out kinda "flat" and in reading around an ale yeast seems to solve that problem. Also, the rootbeer extract leave a strong smell in the mixing bucket.

Edit: Hereare my daughters posts on the subject:
well dfwwino said there where some small traces of alcohol in it... so should I feed that to the kids? lmao I like the idea of the co2 force carbonated idea.. but I don't really want to spend that kind of money... I just figured it would be a fun idea for the kids and they would flip out over it... heck.. they might enjoy exploading bottles better anyway.. lol

so is the yeast way safe for a child to drink?
dfwwino said:
The yeast is added at bottling to carbonate the soda if you are putting your soda in soda/beer bottles. There will be a trace amount of alcohol in the soda from the bottle fermentation, but nothing that should have any noticeable effect. Or you can buy yourself a cornelius keg and CO2 tank and force carbonate your soda to serve to your family. That's what I have done. Then I simply make the soda recipe, do not add yeast, but rack the soda into my keg, seal it, and apply 25 psi of CO2.

Could you provide some more detail on force carbonation and recipe you used. I have access to co2 tanks, regulators, etc since I weld. I have 2 cornelius kegs.

1) does it have to be carbonated cold (ie refrigerator) ?
2) how long does it have to be under pressure till it is a finished product?

Yes its a carbonation chart start usng the TEMP and 2.5 CO2 VOLUME chart.
Adjust the carbonation to your desired level from there.
I make Root Beer all the time but like many I keg and force carbonate it. I use Gnome extracts. Absolutely fantastic. I normally double the amount of extract they say to use and dump in about a half bottle (8 oz) of Vanilla Extract to it. I can force carbonate a keg in 15 minutes. The colder the solution, the less gas it will take to carbonate. What I do is refrigerate it overnight, hook up the CO2 tank. Crank it up to 30 PSI or so and shake the crap out of it for about 5 minutes. If you do it right you will hear CO2 going into the tank in squirts. When it quits it is carbonated. Not the best practice for beer (although I have done it many times)but for soda it works really good as soda is highly carbonated. One other way I do it is put the CO2 to it, unhook the line. Lay the keg on its side and let the kids roll it all over the house for about a half hour. Every now and then, hook the keg back up and give it another 30 psi shot of gas. You can find all kinds of how to's on rapid force carbonation on the Interweb.
Thanks for the tips. Think I can make it work. Should be about mid 30s to almost 40 on day I will need it. Unless we get another freak heatwave like today 64.