Making a second wine - Raspberries

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Aug 7, 2011
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I am currently fermenting two wines. One is Red Raspberry, and the other is Black Raspberry. Instead of using a mesh bag to hold the raspberry pulp, I decided to use cheesecloth socks. These are the recipes I am following. I used 4.8# of berries/Gallon for red raspberries, and I used the same culture of champagne yeast for either wine.

I used 7 lbs of black raspberry pulp, and 24 lbs of red raspberry pulp.

Would making a second wine with raspberries require different ratios than if this were being done with grapes? Does anybody have experience making a second wine with berries of any sort?

I've been told by some that the raspberries will practically "disappear" after primary fermentation, but I do not find that this is the case in my experience. The must has been fermenting for 4 days, and the berries are still very much intact. Furthermore I am brewing beer with raspberries added to secondary fermentation, and they are still intact after 7 days.

I'd like to combine the pulp from either of these wines for a second wine of black/red raspberries, using the 31lbs of pulp. I was thinking that perhaps I should use 12# of berries/Gallon for a second wine, instead of 3-4 as would be used in a first wine?
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If it was me, I would get the berries out of there now. Then start them in another primary, put some welches frozen whit grape juice in with them, about 1 can per gal. Get your pectic enzime in with it to get the rest of the juice out of the berries. If you ferment it down, you will probably have taken most of the juice out of the berries. When I did this, it was with elderberries, boiled a couple of gal. of water and dumped it on the berries. Let sit for a while, crushed the berries in the strainer bag and let drip mostly dry into the must. Then put the strainer bag into another container, put some more boiling water on it and started the ferment for a few days before removing the bag. Only tried this once, seems to have worked pretty well, everything is still in the secondary. Tastes pretty good, tho. The way I did it came from Jstar and he got the recipe from Julie. Others will probably jump on here too. Arne.
If it was me, I would get the berries out of there now. Then start them in another primary, put some welches frozen whit grape juice in with them, about 1 can per gal. Get your pectic enzime in with it to get the rest of the juice out of the berries. If you ferment it down, you will probably have taken most of the juice out of the berries. When I did this, it was with elderberries, boiled a couple of gal. of water and dumped it on the berries. Let sit for a while, crushed the berries in the strainer bag and let drip mostly dry into the must. Then put the strainer bag into another container, put some more boiling water on it and started the ferment for a few days before removing the bag. Only tried this once, seems to have worked pretty well, everything is still in the secondary. Tastes pretty good, tho. The way I did it came from Jstar and he got the recipe from Julie. Others will probably jump on here too. Arne.
I want my first wine to be as flavorful as possible, therefore I'm not interested in removing the berries after 4 days. My assumption was that after 7 days in the primary, there would still be extractable flavor/aroma within the berry pulp. If there isn't, then I'll disregard the thought of a second wine.

I am not fond of using grape concentrates. I might be able to pick a few more # of red raspberries though.

I am confused when you mention adding pectic enzyme to extract "juice". I was under the impression that pectic enzyme was used to reduce pectic haze. I have already added pectic enzyme to the must of my first wine.
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I have never tried a second after fermenting the fruit out. Most of the fruit I take out of the primary after fermenting does not look like you would get much out of it. That being said, you can try it, if it works, let everybody know. You can always add more fruit to your wines when fermenting. More fruit gives more flavor. More flavor is usually good. Arne.
You will soom find out once you remove the bag that there will be very little "pulp" left.

So, no you cant make a second running.
Well I've decided to leave my raspberries until SG of 1.015...I measured it 48 hours ago and it was 1.030.

I must say that 2/3 of the pulp is still present. Nonetheless, I can't be bothered to waste time/money on a wine that will turn out half ***...the berries are white and don't have much flavour remaining.

why can't I say as$...that's not even a profanity.
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