Liquid rapidly disapearing from air locks

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Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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I have 5 carboys of red wine in various stages of aging. Over about 2 days I noticed a 50% decrease or more of the metabisulphite solution. The outside temp fell to the low 20s so the heater had to run more to keep the house in the mid 60s. I can't say for sure if it was sucked into the wine or evaporated. I think the first, since the air lock has a cap with only tiny holes. I glance at the carboys and air locks several times a day.

Is this okay?
Will the Metabisulphite hurt the wine flavor?
Should I change to vodka?
Tape up the holes in the air lock.
I don't have any solid bungs.:?
Furnaces really dry the air, you probably had evaporation. I had the same issue. I put glycerin in my evap, and wont hurt the wine.
Dont use solid bungs IMO. The solution wont hurt your wie at all. Im guessing that you either have some severe barometric changes or your wine is going through some pretty good temp changes. That little bitof solution wont do much at all except add some extra protection to yoyr wine. During this though make sure all your airlocks have fresh solution in them.
Okay no solid bung, don't think I have one anyway. I don't think inside temp is changing too much maybe from 7oish to 65ish. Could be preasure change or dryer inside air from heater.

I love the glycerin idea, I usually add 2 ounces prior to bottling anyway. Has anyone else tried glycerin in the air lock?
I guess it could be but I keep all my carboys in my furnace room all the time and havnet had that problem. Are you using S-Type or 3 pce? The 3 pce ones need filling a lot more often, did you just change from one to another as that would do it!
I guess it could be but I keep all my carboys in my furnace room all the time and havnet had that problem. Are you using S-Type or 3 pce? The 3 pce ones need filling a lot more often, did you just change from one to another as that would do it!

I use the 3 pce type. It's just that all at once all 5 needed considerable additions. I even think two had sucked some in. Very new for me. Seems like every month or two I discover a new wrinkle in wine making.
They do evaperate regularlly. I have to add a little every few weeks to mine. It could probably go a little more, but I have a hard time leaving them alone.
Those 3 pce ones need much more watching, thats 1 reason I dont like them.
I bulk age using the S type airlocks. I notice too that during the dryer months, airlocks can dry out. One of the things I've done to reduce the "air exchanged" is to drop a marble in the S-lock before replacing the cap. The plastic of the airlock isn't precise enough to make an air tight seal with the marble, but I'd sure it does help reduce the air exchanged.

I haven't done a side by side comparison to see if the marble covered water evaporates slower, but it was easy enough, so I thought I'd try it this winter.
In the winter the solution does evaporate faster, so I take saran wrap and cover the air lock and secure with a rubber band on the top of the carboy. Saves me from having to keep adding solution. Also if I'm aging for 3 months, I add kmeta to the air lock monthly, about 1/16 teaspoon.
I've never had problems losing liquid in my airlocks (I use the s type) I'm not sure if what I do helps but I put sterile cotton in the top of my airlocks you know right under the cap in that small open area. I've never lost any liquid that I know of never had to add any so I'd think it must be doing somethnig to help I know it keep those pesky friut flies out of the airlock they might get in the top but never had one go past the cotton most just die on top of the cotton. I will change the cotton if alot of the flies get in there.
I'm having No problem with my S style airlocks evaporating, but I'm constantly adding distilled water to my humidor :sm
Go figure
I've run into quite a few instances where a fine crack develops in the stem of the airlock near the bung. The crack is usually quite difficult to see, but the liquid will drain out much quicker than it should. Try inspecting them closely to make sure there isn't a hairline crack.
I don't have a problem with evapoartion either with the s-lock. Sirs thats a great idea with the cotton for fruit flies. Why wouldn't you save them for soup stock! LOL
I put out a little wine for that, that way they're already marinated