KMeta and bottling

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Junior Member
Jan 7, 2014
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I have a 4 gal batch of Triple Berry DB cleared and ready to bottle. I added kmeta and sparkloid on 4/15.i'm going to add sorbate and backsweeten then bottle tonight. I don't think I need to add more kmeta but I wanted to check to be sure. thanks!

You ought to be good to go. Next time, try the k-meta, sorbate and sweeten. Then let it sit for a couple of weeks or so, if it doesn't referment then it is bottling time. just a little safety factor. Good luck with it, drink hearty, Arne.
thanks, I kinda figured I was ok on the meta. I get UR point about waiting to see if it referments . have to keep that in mind.
I agree with Arne, I had mine referment in the bottle. DB is a different animal thats likes to keep breeding.
Probably the reason for the refermentation is because the wine still sort of cloudy and has lots of yeast cells present. This is the problem with early drinking wines--not enough time to get the bulk of the yeast cells off of it. This is why the sorbate is not as effective.