juice from apples

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Jul 10, 2012
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I have 3 apple trees . Don't know what they are. The apples are very good tasting but not good for pies as they cook to mush. I have made a lot of sauce but always have more apples than I can use for sauce. So I was wondering if there was a way to make wine or cider without a press.
Try to find a few gallons of decent pasteurized cider at a local store, then cut and freeze the apples you have, if you have the space to freeze them. You'll want to mix some ascorbic acid in a spray bottle, or some lemon juice works too, to spray on the slices so they don't brown/oxidize. Sulfite it, wait 12 hours and add a good doze of pectin enzyme. Adjust the acidity, adjust the sugar.

By the time you pitch yeast and it ferments down, the fibers will be apple sauce in the bottom of the primary. You'll have to separate it from the liquid when fermentation is over, and you'll lose a little volume of wine because the sauce never settles and thickens to a paste like gross lees can. It stays soupy.

But then you have apple wine with no shredder and no press.
Quilter too, I used to live in the middle of Apple orchards in No Ga & made a lot of Apple Wine without a press or freezer. We would core the apples, leave peel on, put in buckets with absorbic acid, then run thru a food processor, put in fermentor, add a little water etc & ferment away. Last batch was Oct 2011, 15 gals, the wine is awesome. Making an apple run this Oct to get 3-4 bushels & do it again. Roy