Is wondering if it's really worth it...

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Jan 24, 2010
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I just got through bottling kit # 5 & I'm bottling #6 tomorrow. I've used recycled bottles for every red kit I've made & maybe a case of recycled clear bottles. I'm at the point now where I'm questioning if it's really worth the time & effort of scraping labels? Does anyone else feel this way too?
Only when I am in the midst of cleaning 30+ bottles in order to bottle another carboy.

Seriously, though, I find after reusing the same bottle a few times, I can remove my own labels fairly easily, or cover them with another label of the same size without removing the old one. But that's a secret, don't tell anyone.
Well yes and no. I do rinse bottles and scrap labels, but only one bottle at a time, if the bottle was rinsed out right after it was emptied. I don't collect used bottles and try to recycle them. I have purchase maybe 10 cases of new bottles this year.
I'll probably just save bottles with my labels & others I've found come off easy. If it requires scraping I won't use that bottle. It'll save my arms & hands too. I only use bottles that have been rinsed immediately after use too, Mark. Plus it would make my husband happy to have part of the garage back where I store my empty bottles
After awhile you come to a point where all the bottles youll really ever need are now yours and if you use labels that come off easily like I do then all the work you have done in the past pays off big time. I know how you feel right now though but if you start buying them youll really start to see that they get expensive fast. Just make sure that the people you give them to need to try and get the empties back. If I dont get them back then they dont get anymore!!! Every once in awhile I have to gather some and scrape a few but for the most part they are all mine that Ive recycled again. The only time I buy bottles are when I want some Bellissima for dessert wines. Figures to as those are the most expensive!
Using bottles over and scaraping labels is part of the adventure
After bringing wine to family Christmas I had cousins and in-laws saving me bottles. I brought home over a hundred last summer plus a few each visit. This Christmas it was over a hundred again. I had to tell them to stop (Not to mention they all expect free wine for the bottles. What's up with that?) But now I can afford to be choosey. Stubborn labels and dirty bottles go in the trash. I have some bottles with glue that NASA needs to try. But that's another post. I do plan to get something special if I ever make it into the store - likeblue bottles which I really like.

"you eat an elephant one bite at a time"

Like I said before - I do them one at at time - this is what I do:

I have a 2 quart plastic pitche. I put a couple drops of detergent in the bottle, put the bottle in the pitcher, fill the bottle with water and let it over flow when full until the label is covered. I then let it soak for a day or two. The labels easily scrape off very clean.If Iget one with NASAglueIuse aBrillow Pad on the glue residue. I then rinse well and put it back in the pitcher upside down until dry.

I do maybe 1 or 2 a week.
I feel way better filling a bottle that was FREE. Just the Italian in me. I will not clean more than 6 bottles at a time. Large family supplies plenty bottles. If I get more than 6 I just cull ones I know to be difficult.

I greatly prefer the very heavy bottles with with deep punts. I've seen them for sale before but won't pay the price or freight.
see if you can get w a group of wine maker friends and pool your resources to buy bottles in bulk....i realize it wont be free and bottles w punts typically run 60 cents and up plus maybe a buying group can work for you..also check out

occasionally there are wineries selling their overstock for when they change bottle designs

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