is this ok?

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Dec 31, 2008
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so last night my wine was really bubbly with larger bubbles... this a.m. I woke up and there where barely any bubbles on the top.. when I opened the lid it did start bubbling up like soda in really fine bubbles.... so 10 min. later I went back opened it up and got this... a really small bubble foam? just wandering why i first opened it this a.m there where barely any bubbles is everything ok?

I was going to post a pic.. but I guess it says my access is denied?

anyway.. its just a real fine foam over the top? is that ok?
Nothing to worry about there. Did you ever notice that bread has some really big bubbles if not punched down after the initial yeast rise? You punch it down and get some smaller, but more plentiful bubbles.
no i did not keep the lid sealed.. we had a small debt over to leave it sealed or not... so I didn't seal it... I also take the lid off and look at it every hour.. lol!! hahaha its to much fun.. I can't help it..
Look at the entertainment value of this!
You are receiving so much value before you ever drink it. Well spent $.
HAHA It's like a kid in a candy store. Once the "bubbles" are gone then chack the gravity.
And don'y it SMELL great?
yeah... its very entertaining.. lol.. I new I would enjoy it because i was reading up about making wine for months before I got the kit... I can tell you I am HOOKED lol... I'm only on my 3rd day of my first batch and I am already dreaming what to make next! lol I need to make more!! and more!!
guitar309 ,

What's in the wings? More kits?Oncetheweather breaks try fruit wines. That's a whole new game.

I have 26 6-gallon carboys aging. And to think I started just like YOU ! ONE KIT !
whats odd is... i will open the top up.. and it will be foamy like in the pic... and later I will open it up again.. and no foam.. but you can see some action... the wine is swearling around and fizzing ... but very little bubbles and no foam ?? then another hour it will be foamy again.... why is that?
You keep opening the bucket. The air is deflating the foam.
I know you like to look BUTT, leave it alone for 24 hrs.
You may need to spend some time researching your next wines and things like the history of wine bottles to keep you busy. Maybe a jigsaw puzzle of wines or all the different wine grapes of the world.
If you have a 6½ gallon carboy you can ferment in that. Just add a blow off tube just in case. I also make Beer and it ferments the same way. That being "bubbles" rise from the bottom. Kinda cool to watch. This way less chance if contamination.
I have noticed today that the smell has changed... almost smells bad... like a rotten egg smell but not quite as bad...
Your wine will go through different smell during the process. Don't worry about the different smells for now. When you rack it off the lees, the smells will change again - usually for the better. After it starts clearing if there are still off smells, most of those can be corrected later. If that happens, bring this post back up and ask the question about it and we can let you know an approprate way to minimize or alleviate the smell/potential fault.
when my mother came over today she mentioned that it smelled like rotten eggs... I on the other hand just think it smells a little like vinegar... I read on this web site and talked about the egg smell.. I am worried about it now.. lol.. I decided to stur it a little bit... and I checked it with a hydrometer and its now down to 1.020... I just hope that smell is normal and its not going to ruin my batch of wine...
guitar, I don't really know what rotten eggs smell like, but all my red wines start to smell harsh about midway through fermentation. Not bad or rotten, but....hmmmm......i dunno, harsh. I've become accustomed to the smell and even enjoy it now. BTW, white wines seem to smell a lot better throughout fermentation.
yeah before it smelled harsh... like juice with a bunch of alcohol in it... lol.. but it is having a much different smell today.. I will wait it out and see.. I have been reading up about some different smells from primary fermentation... so I hope everything is ok..