I'll move eventually, what should I do?

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Apr 24, 2011
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In my introduction a few days ago I indicated what basically turned out to be an impatience problem which I have since tackled and defeated. Never mind that my way of defeating said impatience problem was to begin a few more batches of wine.
Now that I feel like I'm full bore into experimenting with and making wine, I've run into another problem I deem pretty significant. Since Uncle Sam signs my paycheck, I get the "opportunity" to uproot my family every few years for someplace thousands of miles away (last one was about 1850 miles). Obvious problems exist when it comes to experimenting with different wines and aging them.

My goals long term are to begin making wine for profit, but I still owe the taxpayers 8 years and 9 days, so for me, that time seems perfect for experimenting and developing my skills. In the mean time, though I need to figure out how to make my skills fairly portable. I've been in my current location for almost 18 months meaning that in another 12, I'll be vulnerable to move again. Likely, I'll end up here for another 24-30 months, though.

My excitement for wine-making has taken off over the last 2 years, and this fall I'm diving into my first wine from grapes as well as having several well intobulk aging. When the time comes to move, though, I don't want to have a large gap in my wine making. How would you all suggest handling this? Work like normal and just bottle when it came near moving day while giving many of the bottles away? Dump wine (oh the humanity!)? I'm trying to not have to start over when I get to where I'm going, but beyond just saving a few bottles of each, I'm coming up blank. All ideas are greatly appreciated!

And now aphoto ofbeautiful mountains to thankyou for reading this far.

From what you say, I assume you do not have a permanent home. Do you have a relative with a basement in which you could store the wine while you are re-deployed? I don't remember the limitations on shipping household goods.From what you say in your note, you have been in about 12 years so I am assuming you are O-3 to O-5. I am assuming that you have explored that and it is not an option. There are commercial storage facilities but I have no idea what the cost is. Here is a link: http://www.usstoragesearch.com/storage/wine-storage.aspx
If you really want to keep the wine, I would bottle it and store it with a friend, family member or commercial storage facility. I definitely would not dump the wine under any circumstances. You could always give it to friends or throw one heck of a going away bash.
send them all to Wade, Waldo, Appleman, others and me.

Ha! Of course I'd be glad to send some...maybe even most, but I've got to keep a few for myself!

I like the idea of finding relatives. My parents have have an enormous basement where things get lost constantly. I think that would be great for aging, and they'd probably be more than glad to take a truck full of bottles for the price of taking a few for themselves. Unfortunately the household goods policy includes no aerosols or liquids. Every time we move we take a small zoo with us, so space in the carsis at a premium.

I'm only 4 years in, but the career field comes with a loooong commitment. There will be a big promotion party in a few weeks with Skeeter Pee in abundance, though!
Rocky, I am curious as to why you mayassume he is an O-4 or O-5? 12 years in he could be a SSG or SFC?

PCSing every 18 months or so is probably difficult in the bulk aging and storing of your wine.
Your best bet is to have relatives store it for you or make and drink the early wine kits.
OR, when you are home visiting family, make a few kits thereand bulk age them while you are flying the unfriendly skies. :)
uavwmn said:
Rocky, I am curious as to why you mayassume he is an O-4 or O-5? 12 years in he could be a SSG or SFC?

I was thinking he was a pilot so he would be an officer not EM. I figure in 12 years he would be a Major or Lt. Col.
Ha, it is huge, but still flies like an airplane! I'm just a snot nosed O-2 (I'll be a big boy some day!), but the money spent on training me is justified by a 10 year commitment. I guess I should say at least 8 years with no plans to continue or separate yet.

In the mean time I'd like to develop some good wine making skills to use when I have to get a "real" job. Early plan is to continue flying on the outside using my off time to start a small vineyard and winery.Unfortunately I can't put down any roots (pun!)until we settle, so for now it's reading, making batches fromkits, juice and, coming this fall, fresh grapes in small batches.

I only just started about2 years ago, but the one bottle that made the last move didn't fare too well. My parents house seems best suited for long term storage. I'm sure for an invitation to come visit they'd drive some bottles home.
And UAVWmn, the "UAV" in your handle got my attention. There are lots of us who worry about our jobs and the future. Fear, selfishness and so on.

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