WineXpert Ice Wine

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Senior Member
Feb 26, 2005
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I just started a Red Ice Wine kit, the local brew guy gave me a sample
of one with 21% ABV, the kit says stop at 14%, he said throw the
directions away, keep fermenting for 2 months, that would expain why he
said it was dry when I said it's a sweet wine isn't it? I've concluded
that here in Maine people want all the bang for the buck they can
Not sure what yeast he used to get to 21% ABV but I believe most champagne yeast only have a tolerance only to 18%.
I would do the kit by the directions. If you were to accidentally get it to ferment to dryness, it would be way off balance and you would not like it at all. Ice wine is supposed to be very sweet. It is a dessert wine.
I listened to Hippie and stablized my ice wine today.......BUT:

CAUTION, Do not try this at home, these are trained professionals!!!!

See, I had the fermentation going for 3 days in the carboy and it was
doing pretty well, so when I turned on the fizzex......well I had
FIZZEX!!!!! it was like shaking a bottle of soda...A THREE GALLON
BOTTLE OF SODA!!! and I was 20 feet from the sink so I tried to cap it
with my hand....bad idea, was like squirting a garden hose all over the
rug and kitchen...the things I do to make you people laugh!!

Oh yea, 4 days ago I broke a bottle of blueberry wine on my passengers
seat of my new truck, that cloth seat sucked it up like a wino that
hasn't had a drink in a week!!

LMAO! Been there done that....!

Is that Polly's sister Red I see in the background?
What a funny mess....I would love to have seen that!!!! Next time set your digital on video clip...assuming there is a next time!!! lol

dude, that sucks. we are replacing the carpet in the living room with hardwood (red stained oak) go fugure.
aw Stinkie!

I've been there more than once with episodes like yours. I also tried the hold-your-hand-over-the-opening trick, but got apple wine in my hair, up my nose, in my eyes, soaked my clothes right down to the skin.....

At least it was 3 gallons - easy to handle (get to the sink) - mine was 5, and I'm sure as heck not as strong as you guys to get it to the sink when in sheer panic.

How much have you lost?
i used a whole bottle of bluebery wine to top up, it's all set now and topped up full
Reminicent of whenI degassed my Shiraz
I didn't think it was ever going to quit foaming. Perhaps someone should start a "Lighter Side of Home Winemaking" Topic and lets see where it goes.

Any ideas on who could kick it off Stinkie
bottled the ice wine tonight. 29 1/2 bottles, 16 ABV using Masta's
chart. VERY Sweet!! Finishing SG 1.038 (the big bottles are Merlot)

Nice label Stinkie
How is the wine? I have yet to try an Ice Wine.
I made these labels by telling my printmaster program I was using avery
labels 3 1/2 X 3 1/2 but then printed them on GEO's label paper, white
and they came out just fine, and hopefully will come off easier.


