i want to construct new grape garden

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hamid reza

Feb 4, 2020
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I want to construct a new grape farm in my old farm (wheat) i`m so confused about it i have a couple of question and wish you experienced people help me about that before that let me explain my area:
i have 1 hectare area (186*53) . we have at least 90days of frost and in 6 hardiness zone( minimum temp never down from -23) we have late spring frost (until may) and have 400mm annual raining per year and i can watering garden 1 time per week. we have about 200 day with temp above 5 degree in celsius and in altitude 1900 meter above sea. temperature never go high than 36 degree in celsius and we have clear sky and shiny days . humidity is very low here.and at last wine making is inhibited in my country .
and questions.
1- which variety i can plant here?
2-how many grape i must plant in a hectare?
and every extra idea from you .
thanks for reeading
Welcome Hamid.

I would start by researching what varieties of vines or cuttings you could possibly buy locally or import in your Country. I found this on a quick search:

"The grape-vine is probably the oldest and best known of the cultivated fruit plants grown in Iran. Over 40 different types of grapes are harvested across the country. Cultivars like Asgari, Keshmeshi, Shahroudi, and Khalili have shown a lot of potentials and have a high yield rate. Keshmeshi and Asgari are the most important Iranian grape seeds. Keshmeshi and Asgari are consumed as freshly harvested fresh herbs and raisins.

In 2017, 800,000 tons of grapes were cultivated in Iran which was 5% of the global production. Grape harvesting areas in Iran are Fars, Qazvin, Khorasan Razavi, Hamadan, West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Zanjan, North Khorasan, Kurdistan, Central and Semnan provinces."

You may not have enough water to grow grapes in your area without irrigation. Best idea is to find someone in your area already growing grapes and speak with them directly.

Good luck!
Welcome Hamid.

I would start by researching what varieties of vines or cuttings you could possibly buy locally or import in your Country. I found this on a quick search:

"The grape-vine is probably the oldest and best known of the cultivated fruit plants grown in Iran. Over 40 different types of grapes are harvested across the country. Cultivars like Asgari, Keshmeshi, Shahroudi, and Khalili have shown a lot of potentials and have a high yield rate. Keshmeshi and Asgari are the most important Iranian grape seeds. Keshmeshi and Asgari are consumed as freshly harvested fresh herbs and raisins.

In 2017, 800,000 tons of grapes were cultivated in Iran which was 5% of the global production. Grape harvesting areas in Iran are Fars, Qazvin, Khorasan Razavi, Hamadan, West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Zanjan, North Khorasan, Kurdistan, Central and Semnan provinces."

You may not have enough water to grow grapes in your area without irrigation. Best idea is to find someone in your area already growing grapes and speak with them directly.

Good luck!
Thanks for reading and replying my post.
in my area people is very low in information and they just now how to farm alfalfa and wheat some one plant grape just for enjoying and no one make it professional and look at it like a work for money.
some county produce grape near me variety asgari and perlette, but they are not proffessional and their harvest isnt profitable.i want to make a risk and construct a grape farm an organic grape for export so i need to be up to date and plant a variety that people around world like and want it.
i need your help to know this information.