I need a new coffee maker

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Why not just make "Cowboy" coffee? ;)

I'm quite happy with my $99.00 Keurig. I only drink a couple of cups a day though. I like a really dark roast and DH like a medium. We also get a lot of house guests. I just by a variety and they can make their own damn coffee whenever they get up. Everybody is happy, especially me.

Sent from my iPad Air because I spilled wine on my MacBook. Waaaah! :(
I like my Kuerig too . With Kuerig you could buy reusable coffee filter to use your own coffee .


Keurig here too, one single cup of decaf in the morning.

for acid reflux

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
What about a French press? Gives you complete control over the temperature of the water. I think the secret of a good cup of coffee is the coffee bean, how it is roasted and then ground and how much of the coffee is used to make one cup. The coffee machine that makes it plays a very small role. But hey! I come from the UK and we really have no idea how to make a good cup of coffee
That's awesome! The park must be beautiful this time of the year.

Yes. But it is an absolute nut house. And I'm reminded yet again of how stupid the human race is. I'm amazed we've survived this long. :D

There have been a ton of great suggestions in this thread. Thanks everyone for the input! I think I'm going to pull the trigger on the Zojirushi. It seems to be a very good value overall, and checks all of the boxes I need. It's been recommended to me by others as well.

Thanks again for all of your input!

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