How to Minimize Racking Loses?

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Dec 6, 2007
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I have racked my 6 gallon kit a couple of times and wanted to find out what techniques others are using to minimize their wine loss during racking. I'm sure my kit is 1/2 gallon lighter now. I use the auto siphon to rack my wines.
I tip the carboy so that I can get most of the wine out of it. I use a one inch block of wood as a wedge. It seems to work better if I tip it away from me. But you could use a clamp to hold the auto-siphon. That would work also.
Swillologist has the best suggestion. One other thing I can add that I have found works for me is I wait a few days longer than the directions say to rack. I feel it helps the lees compact down better and when I tip the carboy the gunk doesn't move with the grade of the bottom of the carboy as much.

I just racked a MM kit that I was a week behind racking per direction. The lees compacted pretty tight and I was able to set my auto siphon tip right down in the lees bed and it didn't suck any sediment up. The lees didn't slide any when I tipped as well. I normally am terrible at racking and have a coupleVintners Reserve kits (a red and a white) that I made specifically to use to top up with as I loose quite a bit to racking.
I agree with Smurf, give it some extra time to settle, also don't be afraid to get some of the lees and gunk on the bottom in the racking, leaving it is leaving wine. To see how much you wine you leave each time, save that gunk in a small bottle and put it in the fridge for a day or so and lok at how much wine you can get. Racking the stuff at the bottom may mean you rack 1 or 2 more times but it helps with topping up all the time and I get more wine.
I can add that use a gravity filter so I suck up every drop and get every bit of juice available out of it.
Adding to what Smurfe said,

I also tip the carboy but let sit tipped for at least 24 hours,
preferably more before racking. I have a MM Chianti tipped and waiting
for just that operation at this moment. I plan to rack tomorrow
night. The fact is though, that I lose more than I would like but still
don't top up. I use an inert gas cap in the head space. So,
overall, I figure the yield is 28 bottles per kit.