I am new to home wine making (I just started my first batch 2 hours ago) I have read several websites, articles and such. I have found this foum to be a great resource. Anyway I know that foreign bacteria is a common cause of a bad batch of wine so for my first batch I have tryed to be a sanitarie as possible. I washed everything with the sanitizer that came with my kit twice. However when I was pooring the juice into the primary ferminter my hand came in contact with the inside of the bucket ABOVE the 6 gallon line. I had my brush I used to clean the bucket earlier sitting in my sanitization solution so I just grabbed it and wiped it around the area I touch once or twice. Is my wine ok? do i ever really have to worry about it since it was above the 6 gallon line where the wine won't come in to contact with it. How religious do I need to be with my sanitization?