How did you get started in wine making?

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I had been brewing beer for several years. I have a couple red currant bushes which i used in one of my beers. Last year around harvest time my mother and swmbo were discussing me making wine out of the currants. I caved to the pressure, and and am glad I did.
My parents retired and planted 5 acres of grapes to improve their property value. After years of beer making, wine was an easy transition.
How I started making wine

I started working for a bulk wine producer here in Italy in 2001. He was kind enough to teach me everything about the business, from the grape up. It's been fascinating! Wine is not easy to make, there are alot of bad wines out there. I have great respect for people who apply their passion to their craft.

I always try to share great genuine wines with my friends when they visit, explaining the culture of wine. My friends, I hope, come away with an appreciation for the experience of eating a good meal enjoying good wine with friends. Recently I came across a new way to package wines.

This packaging, 20lt & 30lt PET Kasks, allows hospitality owners to serve genuine traditional Italian wines on tap to their wine loving patrons at a lower cost to everybody: the environment, the wine lover, and everybody in between.

Having worked with wines for so long, I realised that I can make this dream come true. I select wines from the best wine makers in Italy, and soon Germany, and put them in our kasks for wine on tap.

Cin Cin, Jen Ryan