Hippie...Watch for that bottle

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Topped em off Martina. I am excited about both the Blackberry and Peach. Right now they are both pretty dangedgood.

sorry Waldo, I was temporarily set-back for a couple of days.

But now I'm back and in full-force, smart-ass and all!
Was skeered I was gonna have to jump on my ole mule "Addar" and come rescue you outa a wine vat somewheres
Racked the peach off the lees yesterday and it had an odor, not really unpleasant, that I can't describe. The alcohol content I am going to guess is around 14-16% and it tasted good. Still don't have the vinometer testing down pat yet but the wine had a very strong "kick" to it.

Was thinking maybe someone who has made Peach wine might help me identify the odor and give me some assurance that it is normal/OK/Will go away/Need to do something

Edited by: Waldo
Peach wine can smell disgusting for quite a while. It is normal. It will go away.

Let your tastebuds be your guide. The smell will tone down eventually. Mine did, at least.
Next time you rack, splash it really good against the side of the recieving carboy.

New to this board but I find i very interesting.

I am just finishing up a blackberry that I started a couple of months ago. I too kept no notes because I was only going to experiment with a gallon. After it almost completed it's ferment, I realized how good it tasted so I had to get another gallon of juice. After many scratches and bug bites I got another gallon. I crushed the blackberries and added to the almost completed ferment bucket (in a straining bag of course. I week later I realized that blackberrie season was almost over here and if I could just get a few more, I could have three gallons. So off I went for more scratches on my arms and another gallon of berries. I never had to add any more yeast after the initial start, but it always chugged along very well. The only water I ever added was a cup or 2 to dilute the sugar with. What I have now is 3 gallons of the best wine I had ever tasted.

I added all the chemicals at almost all the right times. I think the reason for the great flavor is due to adding the blackberries over a period of time as to not wash out the full flavor, and not having to add too much water. What saddens me deeply now is that I DIDN"T TAKE NOTES! How will I ever repeat this with a 6 gallong batch next year? Lol
Thanks jobe. I think my Blackberry is going to be veryyy good. I have also learned ( The Hard Way) that in wine making it is well to follow an old saying of Confucious which is "Short Pencil Much Better Than Long Memory"
Angell Wine said:
Hippie is the Buffalo River running or is it just pebbles with water puddles right now ?

Pebbles and water puddles all over this part of the state, my friend. Very seriously dry and hot. Slight chance of rain next 2 days.

Racked the Blackberry again today and was pleased with how it is coming along. I can only wonder how it might have been if I had used the proper procedures and yeast from the onset. I think I may get enough frozen blackberries for at least a gallon and see how it goes.


My first "offical" glass of my homeade wines


Mmmm Looks good. Just wondring how it will be a year from now

Tastes good Hippie. Unfamiliar with proper wine tasting terminology and stumbling through I would describe it as, smooth, very dry,with a definite fruity aroma and taste,albeit not totally Blackberry. No foaming orbubbling when I poured it in the wine glass. Did have just a hint of chemical odor
Probably a little. At least part of it. I may keep a couple of bottle dry and see how it turns out

Just getting into the thread now, but it looks great, you look relaxed, and the wine don't look too shabby either!

Are you seriously going to wait a year?!?!? Kudos to you!
Thanks Martina.. At least a couple of bottles will be put back for a year. I have several friends who have requested bottles so it is probably going to go pretty quick.

Hippie, what method do you aspire to when sweeting? I have some wine conditioner Ibought but some seem to advocate the use of sugar syrup too.
If you have sorbated when you stabilized, make a syrup on the stovetop with an eighth cup of sugar per gallon, dissolved in an equal amount of either water or the wine itself, over low heat, do not boil.Wait and do it when it needs racked again, then rack onto it so it will be integrated well. Wait until you need to rack again to taste. Repeat if necessary. I sense you getting in a hurry. Don't.