High ABV

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Dec 30, 2012
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I made a newbie mistake and have a very large ABV (like 14.4), I tried to stop the fermentation, but it just started back up. Any suggestions as to reduce the alcohol content? It is a blueberry pomegranate that was started with concentrate. I just put too much sugar in it.
GreginND said:
The best way to reduce the alcohol is to blend it with another lower alcohol wine.

Thanks Greg! Yay! I get to make more wine! This one at like 3%
What was your starting and ending SG?

Most of the time that style of wine can handle more alcohol. It might take an extra month for the wine to be ready, but I wouldn't worry about it, myself. You won't even be able to taste the alcohol.
+1 to Robie's comment. I'd let it finish and try it. You might find it's perfect. If not, follow Greg's advice and blend. That, or backsweeten with juice (basically blending, really), which will dilute it without watering down.
I had a 14.9% pyment last weekend that tasted like it was only about 11%. I concur with the wait and see method.
I made a newbie mistake and have a very large ABV (like 14.4), I tried to stop the fermentation, but it just started back up. Any suggestions as to reduce the alcohol content? It is a blueberry pomegranate that was started with concentrate. I just put too much sugar in it.

If it just because of the harsh alcohol taste you have with the new wine, let it sit in bottles a year and you will have a fine wine. Guaranteed.

Unless of course you really do want low alcohol. In that case, use sorbate and k meta, wait 5 days, and add more concentrate or concentrate that has been somewhat diluted. The more you add, the lower your ABV will be.

Rare for me to have an ABV below 14. But then I'm in it for the buzz. :)
Thanks all, I was kidding with the 3% comment. I will do the wait and see method. What I was trying for was a slightly sweet wine with about a 7%. I will go with this for now and make another batch if I need to. I was following a stupid recipe without checking it before adding all the sugar. (That was the stupid newbie part)
Thanks all, I was kidding with the 3% comment. I will do the wait and see method. What I was trying for was a slightly sweet wine with about a 7%. I will go with this for now and make another batch if I need to. I was following a stupid recipe without checking it before adding all the sugar. (That was the stupid newbie part)

7% is really too low. My understanding is that you need to keep your wine up to 10% or higher to protect it from bacterial spoilage.

Those mist kits or summer wine kits are a lot like the old wine coolers, except they really are made with wine, rather than beer.

I agree, 7% is very low. Maybe that's why they load it down with what seems like a massive dose or sorbate, so they can take advantage of its slight anti-bacterial qualities.

I make 3 or 4 summer wines each spring. I make the RJ Spagnol - Orchard Breezin' kits. Before fermentation, I just arbitrarily dissolve and add 4 pounds of sugar and be done with it. It has always turned out very nice, except for the bubble gum flavor of al that sorbate.
Thanks all, I was kidding with the 3% comment. I will do the wait and see method. What I was trying for was a slightly sweet wine with about a 7%. I will go with this for now and make another batch if I need to. I was following a stupid recipe without checking it before adding all the sugar. (That was the stupid newbie part)

JR, I still do not know what your wine flavor is but if this is what you were looking for, I would stabilize the wine and add pure fruit juice to it. You would cut the alcohol, enhance the fruit flavor and sweeten it all at the same time.
Rocky said:
JR, I still do not know what your wine flavor is but if this is what you were looking for, I would stabilize the wine and add pure fruit juice to it. You would cut the alcohol, enhance the fruit flavor and sweeten it all at the same time.


It is a blueberry pomegranate (Old Orchard I think).
