I racked my watermelon wine for the first time 2 weeks ago and bubbling slow every 2 to three minutes and has a white sediment on bottom. is this typical of watermelon wine cause my grape did not have it.?
specific gravity was 1.080 and now is 1.000 smells slightly sour i think it went bad. does anybody have recipe for ice wine grape? my son wants to try to make it and cant find recipe anywhere thanks for all of your help
You can buy Ice wine kits or you can get fresh juice and boost the sg up very high and use a yeast that will not tolerate much abv resulting in a very sweet wine left over. What do you have available to you abd which way you want to go about this is up to you so ypoull have to tell us.
specific gravity was 1.080 and now is 1.000 smells slightly sour i think it went bad. does anybody have recipe for ice wine grape? my son wants to try to make it and cant find recipe anywhere thanks for all of your help