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Aug 25, 2005
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I am totally new to wine making and have no clue how to get started. I just spent 6 months in Italy and have really taking a liking to wine. Would love to start making my own. Especially strawberry wine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Welcome to the forum Scott. You have definately began your quest in the right place. There are so many resources here on Georges web site and the best dang bunch of folks I have ever met to lead you on your way to making wine successfully. To get you started though here is a link to a great recipe for strawberry wine here on Georges web page.

I would highly recommend you follow the links from his home page and readthe tutorials on making wine and for sure if you need any equipment or supplies George is going to be your go to guy for all of your needs
I have several scratch kits available that contain ingredients and equipment to help you get started in home wine making:

I would encourage you to read the information on my web site and if you have any questions about which is the right kit for you, just give me a call.

Welcome to the wonderful world of home wine making!
Welcome Scott,

My husband and I just started making wine last month andwe're hooked. Everyone on this fourm is very helpful and they don't mind answering questions for us "Newbies". Now about George .... he must be the most patient man on the planet as he is always willing to talk to you in detail about any question you may have.

Enjoy your winemaking and we look forward to hearing about your progress.

If you only knew me before I got into wine making. My wife says that before I started making wine, I had NO PATIENCE, what-so-ever. Now, at least, I have some patience.

The reason I have so much patience with new wine makers is that I remember all of the questions that went through my head when I got started, and still go through my head. I feel that making wine takes a "leap of faith" and I want to do everything I can to help you make the leap!

Thank you so much for the kind words. It is always nice to know that my assistance is appreciated.
Welcome Scott!

We will help you anytime you have questions or just need encouragement, or just want to chew the fat. We will be here.

It might help to call George and talk about what exactly your plans are in winemaking. Do you want to make kits and scratch wines, wines from 100's of pounds of fresh grapes, just scratch wines, just kit wines, etc. You might can get an equipment and starter kit pretty much personalized for you. I like to be ready to make wine from whatever comes along!

Welcome Scott!

Ditto to everything everyone said. George can tailor just about anything and everything to your needs.

Welcome to a great hobby and a great forum!
