Hello from Valencia/Saxonburg,Pa

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Nov 7, 2012
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Hey Everyone!

This forum has been so informative with the thousands of posts and many knowledgeable resources on here. My name is Josh and I am from the saxonburg area. I have noticed there are a few users in the area and I assume that will be a great opportunity to meet a few of you and swap info. Thanks again for all of the great info! Thank you Dan (Runningwolf) for leading me to this site.
Hi Josh,

Welcome to WineMakingTalk. What part of saxonburg/Valencia are you from?
Thank you all! I am off of logan. About 4 miles from the school. How about you?

Lol bout 500 feet. Terry0220 is bout a 1/2 mile down the road. I'm having a wine party the Saturday after Thanskgiving if you are not doing anything please come.
Josh, once again welcome!! A winery!! Wooo Hoooo!!! Let us know when and where! And as Julie said,,do come to the wine party,,haven't gone to one yet, but they sound like they are sooo much fun!
I will definitely try to make it to the party. I will see if my Cousin would like to come as well if you dont mind. He is the other partner in the winery.
Josh, he is most definitely invited. Hope you can make it

And since you are near Logan, I'm thinking the school you are four miles away is Pine Richland? I was talking about Knoch
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Alright enough!!!! Josh when I steered you to this site I was not aware you were so close to these two. I have not met Terry but she is too close to Julie who is trouble (you know the ol' birds of feather thingy). Don't turn your back, these girls will steal you blind. Terry is new and needs wine while she's making hers, and Julie does it just for the heck of it. :)

Really once again welcome to WMT, you guys should really try and make the party. You'll meet some great folks and Julies husband makes good beer. Incidently if you are on Facebook make sure you "like" Presque Isle to take advantage of some great specials we're having on Black Friday and each week leading up to Christmas. Plus you'l see what classes and events we have coming up including next Saturday.
Alright enough!!!! Josh when I steered you to this site I was not aware you were so close to these two. I have not met Terry but she is too close to Julie who is trouble (you know the ol' birds of feather thingy). Don't turn your back, these girls will steal you blind. Terry is new and needs wine while she's making hers, and Julie does it just for the heck of it. :)

Really once again welcome to WMT, you guys should really try and make the party. You'll meet some great folks and Julies husband makes good beer. Incidently if you are on Facebook make sure you "like" Presque Isle to take advantage of some great specials we're having on Black Friday and each week leading up to Christmas. Plus you'l see what classes and events we have coming up including next Saturday.

T - R - O - U -B- L - E !! Yep,,that just about sums it up! Can't wait to meet ya Runningwolf!!;)
Josh, he is most definitely invited. Hope you can make it

And since you are near Logan, I'm thinking the school you are four miles away is Pine Richland? I was talking about Knoch

Julie, if I remember right, Logan is off of 228, just past Brown's trucking. Am I right Josh??
Wow, seems to be some sort of winemaking epidemic going on in Saxonberg PA. It's both unique and amazing that a small town would have three active members on this forum.:try
Haha yes Terry I am by brown trucking off 228. The party sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Too bad none of my wine will be ready by then :( . San i want to come back to PI in the near future so I'll have to check it out!