Hey y'all. I'm alive and well and I appreciate the concern! I had quite a ride down here I have to say. Actually, it hasn't quite ended yet as we've experienced many after shocks since the big one. I live right on the water and we received the worse of it (as far as Lima is concerned). Like Joan says, the hardest hit towns are South of here - Pisco, Ica and a few others - where the houses are still made of adobe and topple quite easily. My apartment sustained quite a bit of damage, but it's still standing. I'm not sure it would withstand another quake of that magnitude though. All the walls are thick cement and all are cracked. I'll try and post some pics soon.
I was in a little plaza area that overlooks the ocean when the quake started. At first I thought my legs just felt rubbery, but then I noticed everyone was running and some people were screaming. The shaking went on for well over two minutes and people were in a complete panic. It was very surreal.
Anyway, I'm fine. Thanks for thinking of me. We're doing what we can to help down here, but we can't actually get to the towns that need help digging because the highway is out and they're only letting emergency vehicles, etc. through. Plus there are some 600 escaped convicts on the loose down there! So my work has been busy collecting food and money to send that way.
Please say a prayer for the Peruvian people today.Edited by: sangwitch