Harvesting early and adding sugar. Your thoughts please.

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Sep 5, 2010
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The bees are destroying my grapes. I don't think there will be anything left by the time the Brix is where it should be.

What I would like to do is:

Pick Pinot Gris either early in the AM (4 or 5 am) or very late at night with my car headlights on so I can see what I'm doing. Bees should be gone at this time.

Keeping in refrigerator overnight.

Next morning carefully separating bad from good fruit and then crush, press etc etc.

The Brix is 18 1/2. At this level, I know I have to add sugar and probably a lot.

Will this work? Should I just give up (SO MUCH WORK DOWN THE DRAIN)?
How does adding regular sugar change my wine?
Any advice would be appreciated....
I have no experience with fresh Pinot Gris grapes. I don't even know what Brix P.G. should be for picking, although I do believe that is low. Of course it is more than just a low Brix, it is also that the grapes are not yet ripe.

Regardless, I would NEVER give up. Some of the vineyard savvy will come along and advise you. I'll follow along and learn with you!
You can probably get by under the now or never option. High acid will likely be an issue to resolve. I would track those bees down and plan on making a mead in revenge.
If your choise is pick or lose grape I would pick. But like others said they are not ripe so tast may be different.
I had a Concord that a place made this way. They called it an early harvest. It did not taste like any other Concord I have ever had.
We decided to wait. The Brix is now 20 on our Sauvignon Blanc so we will pick next week. Not much left, but decided to mix SB, Pinot Gris and Chardonnay together and see what happens. The red grapes are in good condition so far.

I'm still thinking about picking late at night however and keeping grapes refrigerated overnight and then crushing etc. the next day. Any problem with this?
If you pick at nite - the grapes will be cool enough you can crush then - but if you want to wait so you can get some sleep in - then putting them in the fridge will be fine....

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