Harford Winery Fall 2016 Harvest

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She said the same about my Lanza P.S.

Are you doing Zin as well, or is it just Craig? Heard back from Kevin this evening who said they'll crush/destem my grapes on Friday, hit 'em w/ 50ppm and keep 'em in cold storage until I get there Saturday. Said they would save a cluster or two for me to see.
Are you doing Zin as well, or is it just Craig? Heard back from Kevin this evening who said they'll crush/destem my grapes on Friday, hit 'em w/ 50ppm and keep 'em in cold storage until I get there Saturday. Said they would save a cluster or two for me to see.

Jim is just getting the Petite Sirah (or Syrah?), I'm getting the Zin and 4 other buckets for various family members. Kevin emailed me back and said they'd have them ready Sunday morning, so I suspect he will crush/destem on Saturday and cold soak until I arrive on Sunday. I need to meet my older brother in Carlisle around lunch time, so I'll stop off and deliver a few bottles of wine to my Mom and visit for a while if she is there.

Plan on traveling (next weekend?) with @jgmann67 to pick his grapes up. By then I will have been re-exposed to an all grape ferment and can hopefully answer any of his questions. Spent tonight helping a nearby neighbor mix up his first wine kit. He's really into it as next week he's picking up some whole grapes from his Dad's place, so he's jumping right on in, I think that is great!
Wonder what extras they will have left? This could get dangerous since I'm going solo (no wife) and we just sold our boat to her brother, so I have some cash in hand!
Wonder what extras they will have left? This could get dangerous since I'm going solo (no wife) and we just sold our boat to her brother, so I have some cash in hand!

I have posted before that they just happened to have Seyval Blanc last year, which my husband and I both really like. You just never know what they might have on hand!
I have posted before that they just happened to have Seyval Blanc last year, which my husband and I both really like. You just never know what they might have on hand!

Maybe I should just forget to ask, most anything is appealing to me! I am just glad they don't have the fruit juice buckets in yet. Some of those would be hard to resist.
Maybe I should just forget to ask, most anything is appealing to me! I am just glad they don't have the fruit juice buckets in yet. Some of those would be hard to resist.

Just grab a few bottles of Traminette and call it a day. :i
The good news is that Teresa confirmed my Traminette order. They are harvesting reds this week, so Craig might find Maryland Merlot is on hand in the freezer.

And I am for sure getting bottles of Traminette wine!
Lanza grapes, 3 lugs, one brute. Think I could easily fit a few more lugs in there...we'll try four next time.

Edit: rehydrating yeast for my buckets (White Zin for my wife, Pinot Grigio for my younger brother). Opened the White Zin bucket and it definitely has started to ferment, about 3/4 inch of foam. Moved it to a 7.9 gallon fermenter and rehydrating the yeast as I type this. Dang, I don't even like that wine, figures it would be a PIA.

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My PG bucket was 1.012 this morning (QA23 yeast), White Zin was 1.002 (GRE yeast). Tried to strain a sample from the Lanza Zin grapes (AMH yeast). The result kept forming a cap in the tube. I think it is between 1.080 and 1.075. Tried to settle the sample in the fridge and it almost overflowed the tube. Cap is nice and thick, and really a lack of the normal fermentation smells I got with past batches (from CLOS or RC212). Fed it some Fermaid O, going to punch it again before I get to the bus stop. May get to press in about a week at this rate if I'm lucky.
I'm getting antsy... Has anyone received notice from Harford about their next shipment? I'm guessing that an email would go out tonight or tomorrow if they're getting grapes this weekend.

Kevin said they had planned to harvest on the 19th, but it had been cool out there, which may cause further delay. Usually, we'd hear by Tuesday or Wednesday if the grapes would be in that weekend. So I'm guessing it'll be next week.