Happy New Year

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No wildness for me either. Rich we will want pics of progression along the way please! The transformation is always the best part and since Ive seen it before all this happened I find it awesome. I know to you its just the barn with a cheap skin over it but to others it always seems to really make a huge difference.
A day late but Happy New Year to everyone. Here is to a lot of fermenting for all this year. We did indeed start off the new year making our traditional wine and beer. Hubby brewed an Irish Red and I started my Apple Caramel Mead which I think is technically a braggot since I used crystal malt to get the caramel flavor. Woke up to the rat-a-tat-tat of happy yeasties.
Wade said:
Rich we will want pics of progression along the way please! The transformation is always the best part and since Ive seen it before all this happened I find it awesome. I know to you its just the barn with a cheap skin over it but to others it always seems to really make a huge difference.

Cheap Skin!??!!!!

I will have you know that we are installing authentic used barnboard.
I am just going green here and recycling old materials. This wood sells for a premium price of around $5 per square foot. It comes with an authentic patina to the wood with plenty of pre-stressing and authentic worm holes. The boards range from brownish to gray and even some with a bit of green tinting to them. It maintains the authentic rural rustic charm of the building and rich people pay through the nose for the look.

(Just don't tell anyone that we tore all the siding boards off the old collapsed barn in many of my pictures here on the forum. The nails were pulled and we are siding the winery with them. I think it looks great!)

This picture shows a bit of the old barn we used the siding off from.

Pictures are coming soon when I get more as we progress. I took some already.
Hope everyone had a great New Year!
Uav good to see your name on here again