gonna try my first batch of grapes

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Senior Member
Dec 18, 2011
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ok, so i have 30 pounds of concord and 30 pounds of muskadine....not a lot i know but its what i got and they were free :) i know i deally i would sned my grapes thru a crusher and press the juice but i dont have enough for that i dont think.

here is what im planning on doing.....let me know if im right......Gonna smash my Concords in a pot with a potato masher.....however much i get from that i will add equal parts water....test SG add sugar as necessary....add pectic, nutrient, Camden....let set for 24 hours....add yeast starter....let dry to about 1.030 and rack to carboy and add Camden.....let dry completely and rack again......month later rack again and add tablet.....2-3 months later, rack, stabilize and bottle in a week...sound about right??

would like this to turn out so tips from the pro are greatly appreciated
I would test PH and TA first before adding water. Add water only if acidity is too high.
ifigured u would say that....anywhere to get these tests beside a wine store.....closest wine store is 45minutes....i will go if needed though
i read that with both these type grapes water must be added because the flavor is way to strong.
You would need a PH meter ( < $100 ) to test the PH with any accuracy. Color indicator testing kits are mostly too coarse.
pH test strips will do it close enough. They are cheap.

I use my taste buds.

I would avoid water. If you are too tart at the end, you can use baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) or potassium bicarbonate. Likewise, if you plan to back sweeten the wine, that itself tends to smooth out acid.
ok i squished my grapes, added sugar to get 1.090 and 1 gallon of distilled water. i did a ph test and am sitting at about 4.0......i need to get this to around 6.0-7.0 if im not mistaken.....do i add another gallon of water?? dont wanna dilute the juice to much
Lonzo said:
ok i squished my grapes, added sugar to get 1.090 and 1 gallon of distilled water. i did a ph test and am sitting at about 4.0......i need to get this to around 6.0-7.0 if im not mistaken.....do i add another gallon of water?? dont wanna dilute the juice to much

I don't think you want the pH at 6-7. A pH of 3.2-3.6 is more like it (depending on the wine). Acid blend can be used for this.