Fulchino Vineyard

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great i look forward to it...thanks for the info on the two varieties..i always appreciate the input...i plan on either adding some vines or removing some and replacing

today i was pruning and tying cordons on some marquette vines and i found one cordon on one vine that was LOADED w foliar phyloxera....i removed all leaves w the infestation...BUt would you recommend a spray at this time to prevent a spread? I have an SO/Elite spray due in the middle of the upcoming week..i could add something if i had to

also, i have occasionally seen in my vineyard a wound on the canes that is very red and swelled surrounding what looks like a split that has healed over....hopefully i gave enough info to describe this,...i didnt have the camera w me today.....the wound is usually near a node area...the wound is not open nor is it wet...thanks for any info on this - al
There are only a few sprays available for phyloxxera that are effective. We don't bother to spray for them unless it gets horrendous. Look in the NY Penn Guide for info.


The cracked canes are probably phomopsis cane and leaf spot also in the guide. You aren't going to get a sterile environment and will need to accept a few LITTLE problems. It's when they get bigger that you need action- The premise of Integrated Pest Management.
as always thanks...the questions arise from being a bit ignorant...not having experience and wanting to make sure i don't let things get out of hand.....

the phyloxera that i saw last year and ealy this year were both on one vine on outside rows...todays discovery was in the *middle* of the vineyard....one vine doesn't make it horrendous then... :)

as to the phomopsis...i dont see a ton but i see enough that it is not uncommon to see...and i have sprayed enough....my ignorance is that i have no way of knowing if i (compared to say your vineyard) have it under control....

how often do you see phomopsis in your vineyard these days? what was your worse outbreak if you had one...and if you had a bad outbreak...did it do any long term damage?....i am looking to compare so i can guage whether to increase sprays or accept where I am now

alEdited by: Al Fulchino
Al as long as you spray either on a routine schedule or when action thresholds occur, and use the proper fungicide/pesticide, you will maintain generally acceptable coverage and control. Don't strive for total elimination- we don't want a sterile environment or overly contaminated produce/fruit.

I generally don't see much phomopsis, but there are a few vines here and there that exhibit a few spots of it. As long as I keep things under control, I don't worry about it.
something i came across that may be of use to others


<TABLE height=250 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=275 border=0 cool gridx="16" gridy="16" showgridx showgridy ="#f1e2ff"><T>
<TR height=52>
<TD vAlign=top align=middle width=265 colSpan=5 height=52 xpos="5" csheight="52" content>PREMIUM GRADE BIRD NET, 14'
14-feet wide x 5,000 feet long roll on
fiberboard core. Approximately 200 lbs.</TD>
<TD width=4 height=52><SPACER width="4" height="52" ="block"></TD>
<TD width=1 height=52><SPACER width="1" height="52" ="block"></TD></TR>
<TR height=82>
<TD width=38 colSpan=3 height=82><SPACER width="38" height="82" ="block"></TD>
<TD vAlign=top width=200 height=82 xpos="38" csheight="79" content>
<DIV align=left>
<LI>1 - 4 Rolls: $548.50/roll
<LI>5 - 9 Rolls: $535/roll
<LI>10-20 Rolls: $520/roll
<LI>21+ Rolls: $495/roll </LI>[/list]</TD></TR></T></T></TABLE>


<TABLE height=112 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=275 =#f1e2ff border=0 cool gridx="16" gridy="16" showgridx showgridy>
<TR height=65>
<TD vAlign=top width=265 colSpan=3 height=65 xpos="5" content csheight="62">

3.5-feet (42-inches) wide x 5,000-feet long on fiberboard core. Approxomately 45 lbs.</TD>
<TD width=4 height=65><SPACER ="block" width="4" height="65"></TD>
<TD width=1 height=65><SPACER ="block" width="1" height="65"></TD></TR>
<TR height=41>
<TD width=31 colSpan=2 height=41><SPACER ="block" width="31" height="41"></TD>
<TD vAlign=top width=213 height=41 xpos="31" content csheight="31">
<DIV align=left>
<LI>1-12 rolls: $149.50/roll
<LI>13 + rolls: $139.50/roll </LI>[/list]</TD></TR></T></TABLE>Edited by: Al Fulchino
Thanks for the link to the bird net. I am going to give them a call.It is $1400 delivered here for 14'x5000 from OVS. This sound like a better price. I am also getting a 1600 foot roll of the VineSide netting for some VSP vines to try.

How much rain did you get over the weekend. I had over 2.5 inches from Fiday to Sunday and another half inch today. Heavy rain expected Wednesday. What is a guy going to do about spraying?
rain....rain...rain...we got a ton yesterday and my topsoil ( about two feet of organic matter took it in just barely...then tis afternoon the skies openned up and in an hours time gave us 2.5 inches....half of the vineyard is under water anywhere from 1- 6 inches deep...i am a bit sick over it....i cant prune of tie vines and i was half way thru w this round of attention to the vines...i need to spray between wednesday and saturday.....i hope the tractor can make it thru the muck...there is 50 feet of sand under the topsoil...but even w/o rain during the next week it could take all of those days to show the vine floor again...i am hearing more rain is on the way


glad to have helped w the link.....let me know how you make out w Sutton and Vineside

I understand the feeling of helplessness in getting things done. I have a ton of things to do and evertime I get done my normal job, it starts raining. I hope you dry out soon.
question question question!!!

ok while pruning today i came upon a new question for the experts! and it comes because thsi year i have left some clusters on to taste and test...and i am needing some information in preparation for next seasons viticulture practices

here is what i noticed....as the leaves above a cluster age and the growing tip grows onward away from the cluster, these older leaves can age, maybe yellow and even drop away......this implies that the shoot that the cluster hangs on may get very very long and unmanageable...

should the leaves not be aging? yellowing? etc? The growing cane is overall healthy and they get pretty fat

am i expressing this ok enough to obtain an answer?

i am using vsp and scott henry so specifically in the scott henry i will have to continually prune or pinch the growing tip and that will increase laterals on the cane that the cluster is at the base of and i am fearing a very dense canopy

Next year when you leave a bunch of clusters, it will change the nature of the beast(vine). The extra crop load will keep those shoots in check somewhat better, keeping them shorter. You will get some canes that just plain will get big no matter what. Wait as long as you can to cut them back. They will push laterals, but waiting longer keeps it down. Periodically you may need to go in and just plain thin them out until the vine settles down a bit. There is no one answer or solution for you so you just need to find what works best in your case.
ok.....but if next year the cane gets long and the older leaves yellow and age....at some point i have to cut the cane and the laterals will be so late in developing how iwll they produce enough food for the cluster?
It isn't just the leaves on the same shoot as the cluster that make the food to ripen the fruit. The whole vine provides food for all the clusters. While it is true that the localized leaves are most efficient because of their proximity, the whole vine contributes. Trust the vine that it knows how to best ripen the fruit with what it has. I swear sometimes they are smarter than some thinking entities.
ok thank you...from reading on the other *place* i had been under the impression that we were seeking 7-15 leave outward from the cluster...thanks for the correction!
Beware of the "dark side" Al !!!
the dark side...thats good and has a certain appropriateness

i was hounded by the dark side behind the scenes.....there is a story i have not told :) and wont bother too..its in the past :)
on a vineyard note...i forget if i related that we had over ten inches of rain last week and the week before ( all in all it was in an eight day period)...and today we had 1.25 inches just after i got to a point where i was able to walk thru most of the vineyard w no troble..although about 15% of the rows still were a muddy mush..i am starting to see signs of real stress on the vines....one week was not bad but the fact that in the ensuing week (last) and this week we keep getting these little 1/2 and 1+ inch storms every day but two makes one want to grow rice instead of grapes...

i have some marquette showing color and hint of sugar..also a hint of sugar in teh cayuga and the la Crosse

hope everyone else is doing well! and is drier....Edited by: Al Fulchino
Bone dry here....we need some of your rain badly.....As dry as it is there is still mildew on some of the grapes, lilacs, other trees and shrubs and some roses.

We need rain for our field crops.

The wheat is ripening....the soybeans are blooming...the corn is in full tassel and silk....We are surrounded with a hedge of corn....the sweet smell of all that pollen has our allergies in full gear. We need rain to make grain and to fill the berries for wine.

We never complain about too much rain up here.
i normally would not complain either....lawns are healthy as our flowers and so many other things, but even local farmers are losing top soil on their many sloped acres and have had a lot of tomatoes split open while green......i have been fortunate that none of the mildews have affected the vines..i give credit to he sprays....the only issue i still feel i have not controlled is phomopsis....but the roots cannot take much more of being in the water....we normally get 42 inches of precip in a calendar year...well in the last two weeks we have had almost 12....if the weather was also giving us days of dry heat and maybe some steady breezes in between it would be different...but the air has been thick in between the rains and steady slow rains as well as teh downpours...it is the oddest year i can recall in my 49 years.

i have only been to Minnesota once and it reminded me l a lot of new england in many ways until you get to the westert part near the Dakota's..beautiful coutry!
update...now over 17 inches in the last month...we had four seperate downpours today alone

i pumped off one area yesterday...it filled back up today ....mother nature wins

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