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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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Well this year isnt looking good or fruit wine effort. I missed the mulberries that my parents neighbors were going to give me as they said in April that they come out late July but were mistaken and they actually came out mid June and didnt call or tell me even though I saved them over $1,200 on their stair case. The spot I found last year for crab apples isnt anywhere as good as last year but so far I did manage to get 8 lbs. I did however find a small patch of raspberries growing in my woods and gathered 2lbs of them and it might render another lb. Ive been looking all around and have spotted a few spots with wild grapes growing and will try to gather up enough for a gallon batch or 2. I will most likely mix the raspberries and crab apples together this time as it s most likely the only way to make a 6 gallon batch and I already have raspberry and crab apple wine so a blend will happen this year.

You should grab a couple of those raspberry bushes and try transplanting them to your house. I bet you could take good care of them and reap plenty of benefits........
I am the farthest thing from a gardener and have no idea how to do it. I do want to try it though so feel free to embelish on how to.
Too bad about the Mulberry people letting you down....I had no idea what a Mulberry is, so Gooled it. Looks like a Blackberry growing on a tree...? What do they taste like????

Crabapple/Raspberry is a very nice wine...and...if you don't get enough crabs throw in a few cans of frozen apple juice concentrate.

Raspberries put out lots of flavor...try and get a few more pounds....are your kids old enough to help you pick???? Make it a family outing. Ask neighbors...people are pretty willing to share.

We are disappointed some years in the fruit this year I didn't spray the Juneberries, but got turned on to Blueberries...not close by...but doable.

The years when there are good crops....stock up and enjoy.
Thanks for that link and Ill read it tomorrow as Im watching a pretty intense movie now but always check in frequently to see if anyone needs help with something that I have knowledge of.
Raspberries are easy to grow...they do however have to be maintained/contained.....

I got these summer bearing plants from an old guy probably 30 years ago, brought some when we moved...have no idea what the variety is...but they are very disease free. They grow a new cane this year...they will produce on that cane next year. The cane that is producing now will die soon and get cut off this they do come with maintenance.

The lady that lived here had some fall bearing Redwing plants....they produce this fall on the canes that are growing now, they are starting to bloom on those canes now.....I found if I leave last years canes I get a small summer crop too....then remove that old cane this fall as it finishes producing and dies. They produce on the tips of the canes, are easy to pick, but not as flavorful nor as colorful....Many of the berries never ripen this far North, tho they are tasty in late fall. I am planing on killing ff that row of plants as soon as I am done picking...they take up lot of space for not as good of a crop as the summer bearing variety....Plus the suckers have grown out into the asparagus and need to get contained....I plan on cutting off the canes and painting the stubs with I am worried if the suckers living out in the asparagus will have co-mingled roots and the RoundUp might affect the asparagus????? Perhaps I should do a short test at the begining of the row...

I grow ours in a row, Jim put up post about 2 feet apart, with two wires running down the wire about 2 feet high, one about 4 feet high....I try to keep all the suckers outside of the wires cut of...Nice when friends show up and want plants...those get dug and removed from unwanted areas and are gone forever..Suckers can pop up many feet away from the they can become very invasive....if you can roto-till or mow each side of your row would be best.

So..that's about all I know about Raspberries...
Sounds like a great plant to place next to my neighbor's fence. I'm sure she wouldn't mind an invasive species. Not at all like the wisteria and poison ivy I've been fighting from her side for 7 years

I think I won the poison ivy battle finally this year the death blow was struck. I found the mother root.
This place was over run with poison ivy when we moved here in the groves around the house...I had ever seen it grow that tall was up to my hips on woody plants...years of spraying RoundUp and it is in check in the areas we have tamed, then we had to replant the areas with grasses......out in the outer woods it is still flourishing.

I am so sensitive to it...Got it this spring when I was planting the semi-native fruiting bushes I got from the county SWCD....There wasn't any leaves or green on anything yet and I was bundled up as it was still chilly out...I got it from the roots in the soil...had it around my eyes and had to go to ER for some Cortisone.

I think if you got rid of the poison ivy and other plants then work up a nice trench along the property line......fill it with the best soil or compost you can get and maintain your side of the hedge...Get some domesticated plants...they produce much better than wild plants.

Why would you kill Wisteria...isn't that a pretty flower???? I tried to grow it here, only wintered over once and scummed to the zone 3 winters....

Hope yo get a nice hedge of raspberries growing.....Enjoy!!!!
Wisteria is very beautiful when it is maintained. My neighbor doesn't maintain her property as well as it should be. Shes not bad, she never lets the grass get too bad. But have you ever untangled wisteria vine from your lawnmower blade? I was tempted to buy the 55 gallon drum of Roundup.

But to get back on the topic of raspberries, I live in New Orleans, so I need to figure out which variety works best in my area. I could probably grow 3-5 bushes pushing it as high as maybe 6. I myself need to investigate it more.

I bet the raspberries would be protected if you planted them near the house or a shed somewhere. Try it out. Can't hurt any.
I happened to have to give a co worker a ride home toady as his car crapped out at lunch time. I figured out what was wrong with it but we cant get the part for 2 days as its a dealer part and no dealers have 1. Well, just as Im pulling in his driveway i spot this big ole' crab apple tree in his neighbors side yard and asked mu buddy how friendly he is with them. Now I have 18 lbs of them in the freezer and will gather around another 10lbs or more on Wednesday hopefully between the 2 trees. I will still add the raspberries and my mom has some from the garden again so its looking good for a good 6 gallon blend.
Sometimes things just fall into place........

I bet it will be great............
Im hoping so as last years crab apple wine came out really good and hope I can improve on it by blending in the raspberries.
I would really love to grow the raspberries in my yard but like you said NW, they like sun and my whole back yard is full shade which is nice for the kids and picnicking in but not great for any growing and thats why I have no luck back there. I have tried to grow a garden the second year and most did not grow well because of that so will not waste my time. Would love to have burning bushes all around my house but without the sun they wouldnt really change.

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