Fruit wine..

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Mar 18, 2012
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Well, here's my question.. I made a gallon of blueberry wine.. And followed all the instructions.. So far so good.. In fact it's been super learning the process.. Anyways.. The question. After racking it there is a gap like this..

Will that air gap pose a problem? or should it be topped up?

just a little. I use Knutsens blueberry juice if that is all the space to fill. Like a mini F Pac
Hmm.. Well.. It's been sitting like that with no top ups.. I'll be filtering and adding to top it up.. For bottling.. My question is!!

What if I used a red Wine to top it up instead of a grape extract? Any suggestions on what it might do??
Oh wait... Never mind I destroyed this little batch by not filling up the air lock.. So it been suiting dry for a month now.. Crap..

Lessons learned with each batch ;)
Did you taste? Why are you saying you destroyed this batch?