frozen grapes

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Senior Member
Dec 28, 2009
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I bought 5 gallons of frozen grapes from Midwest Wine for 89.00 call me crazy but why would I go back to a concentrated kit.
Grapes and grape juice are a hit or miss. Year by year they change drastically and you can have some great grapes this year and terrible ones next year, Im not exactly sure how the wine kit manufacturers get around this but they produce results that make the same wine every year.
but the only difference I can see is one is frozen and one is con. you would have to agree that when you concentrate anything you loose something. I do not think there is any magic in a kit.
What Wade is saying is that the kit takes a lot of the potential mistakes out of the equation, no all but a lot. The grapes are you on your own with your knowledge and a little luck. More room for error with balancing acidity and ph levels. That said, if you produce a kick *** wine you'll be able to say "I did it from scratch".

Keep us posted.
Hey Rob,Good luck with the frozen must.I always use fresh grapes to make wine.But i know a few wine makers that make great wine with the frozen must.Ive heard more good then bad about these buckets.What kind of grapes are they and from what region?
I agree that when you make a wine from a kit you are limited to a degree and you can tweak it to get better results but youll never make a wine worthy of "Websters". That being said until you have a very good knowledge of wine making most of time you wont make a wine as good as some of the kits available "High End kits". I have been playing with grapes now for a few years "not big scale" and am just now starting to produce a wine that exceeds the better kits but have not had good luck with the juice buckets while others say they have.
I agree Wade, but.....when you have a couple hundred friends on a great forum like this how can you go wrong
try and try agian.Most people start with kit wines and then go to juice and then go to grapes.I will not get into a round of kit vers grape and juice.All i know is that i have been making wine from grapes for many years with my family.Like Wade says grapes are hit and miss, yes until you learn how to work with them and only will you know until you Get into grape wine making,and get a grip on it. That is when you get control and start making good wine you will never go back to the basics,like kits agian. Sorry hopefully this doesnt stir to many feathers.I can always taste the kt or the juice buckets very time.That candy flavor never goes away.
Grapes and grape juice are a hit or miss. Year by year they change drastically and you can have some great grapes this year and terrible ones next year, Im not exactly sure how the wine kit manufacturers get around this but they produce results that make the same wine every year.
When you go to buy grapes there are so many to choose from why would you ever buy bad grapes.The good wine makers that i know make really good wine from even 1/2 way decent grapes its all about the way you go about it as well.
That is all the fun in grape wine making you have all the control.Its not all in the instructions.