Flavoring Wines

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Senior Member
Jan 16, 2009
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Just wondering about this one.....

Can wines be flavored with "over the counter" flavorings such as Vanilla, mint, or any of the other many extracts?

I work at a food processing plant and have wondered about this for while.

We carry most of the ingredients that are in the wine kits except the yeasts and the juices, but flavorings are abundant and I can get them at our cost.

Most are alcohol based so I didn't no if that was good or bad.....on the surface it sounds like a good way to bring up the flavor of wines if the intended flavor is not where you wanted it.

If it is something to do, it would make the most sense to add the extract after fermentation and before any fining takes place... yes/no/ maybe?
Yes they can,
BUT, make sure they are water based not oil based. I got some Strawberry, Peach and Banana extracts from www.Watkinsonline.com . I used that AND my own F-PAC. Came out great !
I added mine just before bottling. You might want to add some simple syrup also.
Simple syrup = 1 part H2O to 2 parts sugar
Yep !

Just like what "someone" said when asked. "How much simple syrup and Everclear do you add when making a lemon cello from extract".

Anyone know the answer??