WineXpert "Flat" Sauvignon Blanc

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Oct 26, 2013
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First off I'm very new to wine making so thanks in advance!

I made a Selection classic sauvingnon blanc several months ago which is in the bottle now. I was expecting a decent amount of acidic taste to this wine but it tastes very flat. The aroma definitely has an acidic character to it but not at all in the taste. Is there anything I can do at this point to improve this wine?

SD, I am guessing that you have about 30 bottles or so of this wine, right? If you think it lacks the acidity that you would like, I suggest taking one bottle and doing some bench testing with additions of an acid, e.g. tartaric or citric. If you find a taste that you like, scale it up to one bottle's volume and treat another bottle. See if you like it. If you do, you have a choice of dumping everything into a carboy, treating it with acid and then rebottling immediately. You may need to cold stabilize the wine after doing is if "wine diamonds" bother you. A second choice is to treat each bottle individually as you open it with acid.
Sd1024, welcome to WineMakingTalk. I, actually have a Sauvignon blanc that is flat tasting and I have it already bottled and yes It is in bottles. When I am serving a bottle, I add a 1/4 tsp of acid blend. Try that and see how you like it.
Thanks guys, I have some acid on order. I'll let you know how it turns out.

In the future what can I do before bottling to avoid this issue?
check your acid, I would go with an acid around .80% or check the acid in the wine you have now and then check it after you have adjusted it to your liking.