First tropical depression for 2006

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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2004
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Get ready folks who live near the coast from the Northeast to Texas as we begin another year of action!

Yeah, we need to get prepared here. I am slacking on my annual analyze everything that needs moved and tied down schedule. I actually didn't know anything was out there until this morning. While I do hold some faith in the experts and their models, we have all seen that a storm has a mind if it's own and can turn on ya at a moments notice and bite ya in the butt. Thanks for the reminder to get off my duff here and get busy.

84 degrees, What's that? We can't even get air temps that high here this year. Today it made it to 52 degrees and at times the wind blew 52 mph. All topped off with more rain

That sounds nice and refreshing!!!!! I was out at the pool today 96 degrees. Had to come in...way too hot!!

Sure, rub it in... at least the sunscreen. We had 80's in April this year, now it's getting colder and rains most of the time. I've never seen so many storms with the system moving from east to west. Reminds me of the movie the other night-The Day After Tomorrow- where there was a tremendous climate shift!
We can send you some more rain if you send us at least a little warm weather and sunshine!
Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, ice storms, snow storms, extreme heat, extreme cold. You name it and we can find it in the United States. Just practice the Boy Scout Motto, "Be Prepared".
98 in the shade this afternoon. Unfortunately, I wasn't in the shade.
Pool looked nice, and, aside from throwing a bunch of chemicals in it, that
was as close as I got.
August weather here in Denver. In the mid 90's the last couple of weeks.


Before logging in here I was checking out the National hurricane center website and it looks like youmight get a slight taste of Alberto, Masta. Better protect those young vines. By the way, how is your vinyard doing anyway.
We had a little rain here from it, wish it was a lot more though. Think we are like 20" below normal right now so can use as much rain as it could bring us.
My pantry is stocked with water, candles, batteries for flashlights, MRE's and a multitude of other hurricane supplies. All wine but the raspberry is in bottles so I am currently ready if one were to come close.


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Do you have really long straws in case it looks like you're going to get hit? We'd had to see that raspberry go to waste!
I'll get it in the bottle if one looks to be heading this way. Just added some wine conditioner tonight, will taste tomorrow to make sure it's fine. I would like to let it sit at least 2 more weeks before I bottle, maybe even a bit more. If I don't have it bottled it will be what I serve for the hurricane party though.
